Example sentences of "he be [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is wearing only the pads and a pink jockstrap .
2 He is emanating quite a powerful golden light himself , he notices .
3 He is seen here a year later with his Tomahawk fighter when once more serving in North Africa .
4 From these sources he is piecing together the vocabulary and grammar of Gothic .
5 When Florence of Worcester draws elements of his account of the battle of Assandun in 1016 from Sallust he is revealing quite a lot about the classical interests of twelfth-century historians , but also raising doubts about his own reliability , and William of Malmesbury , whose methods so often find favour with modern scholars , nevertheless records miracle stories which his critical faculties ought to have led him to doubt , and perhaps did ; and like historians of all periods , William , Florence and their colleagues were at the mercy of the bias and inadequacy of their sources , as well as their own prejudices and errors .
6 He is permitted absolutely no contact with other inmates .
7 Kant does not think he is putting forward a doctrine on the basis of which ordinary morality can be criticised , but that he has formulated the principles by which all good people implicitly know they should , and in their hearts do , judge their conduct .
8 In addition , with a don at the University of Sussex , he is putting together a book on the experience of being European .
9 He can not understand that he is waiting only a matter of moments before his desire will be satisfied .
10 Now Henry lives near Henley , and while he would sneer at the Hooray Henries crowding that town 's regatta ( in true , no-frills , Aussie style ) , he 's become quite a showman himself .
11 He 's wearing only a new white dhoti and his body looks old , its loose flesh striated with veins and sinews .
12 As well as the speed , he 's getting quite a taste for the adulation from friends and relatives .
13 Hnatiuk at the bank said he 's always had quite a good balance in his savings account — for a kid — and he 's deposited quite a bit of money recently .
14 what he , he 's moving , he 's moving actually a bit more towards the East End model in Glasgow
15 I understand he 's done quite a lot of his work in Venice . ’
16 Llewellyn sportingly admitted : ‘ I have got to feel sorry for Andy Adams — he 's done all the work . ’
17 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
18 but I mean I can see that for he 's got , he 's doing exactly the same , literally a capital K in the middle of joined writing
19 He 's doing quite a few weekends on duty , to earn a bit of money .
20 He 's changed quite a bit in these last few weeks . ’
21 So he 's standing right the other
22 He 's put away the wild times , joined a twelve-step programme and willed himself sober .
23 As well as sorting out Stamford Bridge , he 's put together a good management team in Porterfield and Don Howe .
24 I 'm told the nursemaid takes the child 's food away from him after he 's taken only a bite or so .
25 And there was a mark on his finger where his the handle of the pail was just sunk into the flesh of his fingers he was stood there the whole Winter listening to this music .
26 and erm , James said you not going out in this surely , yeah , yeah , it 's only a bit of rain and he come home and he was drenched right the way through top to bottom
27 The famous Asshe charm was in full spate ; he was leaning forward a little , his eyes , flashing their old fire , fixed on hers .
28 He was killed about an hour and a half ago during a German counter attack on our positions .
29 He was given only a 50–50 chance of surviving .
30 He was given only a 50–50 chance of surviving .
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