Example sentences of "he [was/were] out of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Briefly he imagined himself jinking and swerving , avoiding the bullets until he was out of range .
2 It would be at least six weeks before he was out of plaster .
3 ‘ Actually , ’ Doone said calmly , ‘ he is known to be able to drive his father 's jeep on the Downs expertly , and my men have discovered he was out of school last Wednesday afternoon on a field trip to Windsor Safari Park .
4 Watching him , teasing him , tickling him in the place he liked between his front legs , Nails idled the afternoon away , pushing out of his mind the horrors that lay in wait : the busybody care people poking their noses in , the job he had no fat chance of getting when he was out of school on his ear , no more riding at Biddy 's , no nothing at all , not even any certainty of keeping in touch with batty Firelight and her pushy baby .
5 well I could n't believe it when we went to Jersey and he was out of money and I could n't believe it he ai n't got any money
6 He was out of favour , out of fashion — a name from the past .
7 The commission of array authorizing Rivers to raise men in the marches , for instance , would have become valueless once it became known that he was out of favour .
8 The commission of array authorizing Rivers to raise men in the marches , for instance , would have become valueless once it became known that he was out of favour .
9 He would have given me an introduction to Paul Valéry as well , except that he was out of Paris .
10 Stylistically , politically , socially he was out of sync with the fortnightly paper but Oz ‘ was clean , well printed , the complete antithesis of It , which looked like the Wellington Echo from New Zealand . ’
11 When the devil arrived on stage , he was out of scale , far too large ridiculously far too large , I might say , meaning no disrespect .
12 If he was asking her to die quickly , he was out of luck .
13 ‘ Unless he wanted to sniff the nutmeg he was out of luck . ’
14 When he was out of sight I pushed the curtains aside and ran downstairs .
15 She had only seen him when she had climbed the wooden steps up to the promenade : he was out of sight of the kiosk , waiting across the road , almost hidden in the dark cave of an amusement arcade .
16 While he was out of sight of the gate I walked up the drive , opened the front door with the key Karen had given me , and ran upstairs .
17 She waved until he was out of sight .
18 Raging , she watched until he was out of sight .
19 Billy did n't hurry till he was out of sight .
20 Then he 'd kissed her and walked away ; and though she waited until he was out of sight , he had never once looked back to where she stood .
21 As soon as he was out of sight he began to sing , very loudly .
22 I felt it when I caught sight of Jean-Claude unobserved , or as I reflected on him when he was out of sight .
23 When he was out of sight we picked up our bags and turned into a side street .
24 He nipped round the back– of us while he was out of sight . ’
25 When he was out of sight she crossed the great court to the gatehouse , passed by the open door apparently without a glance , and stood for some minutes in the gateway , looking along the Foregate , before turning back towards the guesthouse .
26 And then , as they mumbled and made half-hearted climbing-down gestures that he knew would probably stop as soon as he was out of sight , he opened up the door to the club and let himself in .
27 After watching the train steam away with Christian waving from an open carriage window until he was out of sight , Carrie and Seb set off on the return journey in the gig .
28 At any rate , he was out of sight , though not exactly out of mind , and she seemed to have the castle to herself , apart from the distant , discreet presence of the staff .
29 Posh Porky seemed to be torn between going along with her old man to the synagogue and staying put at the shop , where she 'd sit by the window and start scoffing cream buns the moment he was out of sight .
30 ‘ I know what happened at Leeds and he was out of order .
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