Example sentences of "he [is] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of what is known about him is derived from a Life by Izaak Walton published in 1670 .
2 The stallion ( left ) is relaxed but vigilant ; the mare next to him is bothered by the foal pushing between them from behind : her ears show the focus of her attention , while her wrinkled nostril betrays irritation .
3 He is served by a lovely cast who lift a gossamer-thin veil to show the misunderstandings and subtle warrings which make up human relations in all their glory .
4 He is employed as a Graduate Trainee in Production Planning .
5 He is employed as an assistant to the Production Director and is attending a SCOTVEC day release course in Business Studies .
6 He is employed by a Sett of Noble Men ( by my recommendation ) to collect seeds and specimens of rare plants ’ .
7 Where he is employed by the society , that will be indicated below the signature .
8 He is charged with the murder of all three women , his wife , daughter and mother-in-law sometime between the 14th and 20th of August .
9 Instead , he is limited to a sum which reflects the difference between what he actually paid for the property , and what the Court thinks he would have paid had he known of the defect at the time he bought it .
10 In praising the Nun 's Priest , however , he is limited to a motif of sexual worth that inescapably recalls the fabliau : which is what he had imagined of the Monk ( VII : 1945 ) .
11 How , for example , can a man be a British citizen when he is born in a foreign country of foreign parents and has never been naturalised ?
12 He is assisted by a network of regional chairmen .
13 He is assisted by a technical director , Allan Cook , formerly head of accounting research at Shell , and seven other members .
14 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage : he is assisted by a Council of Ministers .
15 When acting in a judicial capacity he is thrown back on his own resources , whereas in his ministerial capacity he is assisted by the staff of a major department of state .
16 Indeed , when Bernard Bergonzi complains of the uniformity of the novels he is obliged as a reviewer to read , he gives as a sample situation a scenario that could well be based on The Languages of Love : ‘ a very sensitive , rather neurotic girl , living in an Earls Court bedsitter and having sexual difficulties ’ ( 1979:24 ) .
17 He is flanked by the Angels
18 And he is blessed with a beautiful , evenly produced , voice .
19 His real crime is that he is suspected by the Radical Party and militant members of the ruling Socialists ( ex-communists ) of plotting with the army , of which he was the nominal head , to stage a coup .
20 If someone has promised that he will prevent the promisee suffering any loss , and he does cause that no such loss arises from that matter , he does what he promised ; but if he does not , because he does not do what he promised , he is condemned in a sum of money , as happens in all obligations for performance .
21 What we are reading may invite reaction : Shirley Hughes expects us to react to Dave 's loss of Dogger and to be concerned about the problem of Alfie when he is locked inside the house .
22 People who will say to other people I know Jesus I know that he loves us , I know that he forgives us , I know that he is risen from the dead , and that the good news is that we will also rise from our own deaths .
23 • The identity of the Second Channel has been given as Ali Hashemi Bahranani , Rafsanjani 's nephew , He is kept as the Second Channel here , for simplicity 's sake .
24 He is kept under a wholesome course of discipline by Lavinia and her august mamma .
25 Daniel Höchstetter , like his father Joachim , was a master miner and he is credited with the invention of a mine pumping engine .
26 A graduate chartered librarian with a full teaching qualification and working in schools is a teacher when he is engaged with a class , and mostly a librarian when he is devising an alphabetical subject index , and so on .
27 He is supported by a wonderful cast which graces a movie that deserves the label of epic .
28 I can confirm that he is supported by a competent staff , and has never actually been convicted of being foreign or of committing serial buttock fondling in his office or elsewhere .
29 In these vicissitudes he is supported by the cockney humour and sharpness of Sam Weller , ‘ boots ’ of the White Hart inn , whom he takes on as his servant .
30 He admits he is tempted by a turbo-charged 205 .
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