Example sentences of "he [vb infin] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These hints were followed up by many gentlemen : and I think I never saw Mr Loudon more pleased than when a highly respectable gardener once told him that he was living in a new and most comfortable cottage , which his master had built for him ; a noble marquess , who said that he should never have thought of it , but for the observations in Mr Loudon 's Gardener 's Magazine , as they made him consider whether the cottage was comfortable or not , and that , as soon as he did so , he perceived its deficiencies .
2 Then he looked at the Curator , straight into his eyes to make him understand that the person he was thinking of was himself .
3 According to Eadmer , it was a small incident which opened Anselm 's eyes to the true state of affairs , and made him realize that the king would in no circumstances allow him to take any action beyond the routine of his episcopal duties .
4 The mild drug in the liquid would help calm him — would make him sleep until the shock of his ordeal had passed .
5 Adam heard him curse and the others laugh at his misfortune .
6 One woman says she heard him scream as the Wheel rolled down the slope . ’
7 I heard him come and the bolts were shot to .
8 It ran beside a broad , shaded boulevard of feathery pepper trees , and the sudden sight of European-style buildings made him reflect that the jungles , fields and villages through which they 'd been moving for the past few hours had remained unchanging throughout many centuries .
9 Had he been in his place on Tuesday , when my right hon. Friend made the opening speech on the Loyal Address , he would have heard him say that the Government would introduce a measure to deal with the young thugs , as my hon. Friend calls them , who indulge in joyriding , a practice which hon. Members in all parts of the House deplore ; those young people will , therefore , be offending .
10 If he has no such evidence , does he think that the introduction of Sunday trading in Britain is likely to cause the kind of social and moral breakdown that has been suggested by some advocates of restrictions ?
11 How perceptive he is , but did n't he know that the BBC had already produced it about two years ago with Frank Finlay and Miriam Karlin ?
12 Nor did he know whether the fridge had been manufactured to last or to become obsolescent quickly ; nor whether it consumed more or less electricity to run than other models ; nor whether , when it was defunct , its parts could or would be recycled .
13 Only then would he know whether the Chinaman 's gesture expressed the utmost in humility , and if so , whether this is marked in the depth or in the number of the bows .
14 Nor did he doubt that the assault was attempted murder .
15 Will he confirm that the proportion of national income taken in tax rose from 34.75 per cent .
16 Will he confirm that the disposition of companies is not yet set in tablets of stone , and that circumstances relating to premises and recruitment records will have a distinct bearing on where those will be finally located ?
17 Will he confirm that the capital cost of the school is no different from the cost of building a new school anywhere , that the funding per pupil is no different compared with any other state pupils and that the evil campaign by Nottingham county council would deny the most deprived children in our inner city a first-class education ?
18 Will he confirm that the occupation is illegal and that all settlements on the west bank are illegal ?
19 In particular , will he confirm that the Government see leisure courses and non-vocational courses as being equal in value to vocational courses and will they ensure funding for all ?
20 Will he confirm that the Government support a further adjournment of the liquidation period on Monday to allow the negotiations to be completed ?
21 Will he confirm that the Government will continue their policy of liberalisation in the telecommunications industry and continue to welcome foreign companies to compete on an equal basis in this country — provided that , in return , our companies can compete in those countries ?
22 Will he confirm that the Government 's statutory adviser on nature conservation is the Countryside Council for Wales ? .
23 Will he confirm that the inquiry will be wide ranging and will pay close attention not only to the environmental impact of the proposed lines but to whether they are needed at all for the national grid to meet its licence standards ?
24 Will he confirm that the Housing Executive believes that during the period 1992-95 it will lose a further £50 million from its anticipated budget if the cuts are not restored ?
25 Will he confirm that the directive , which is strongly supported by the Labour party , would discriminate heavily against part-time workers , especially women who are trying to combine a job with family responsibilities ?
26 Will he ensure that the money is spent throughout the county ?
27 Will he ensure that the sea systems control moves only when the permanent accommodation is available ?
28 Will he ensure that the decision that he makes is a positive one ?
29 While we are on the subject of ’ joining the union of your choice ’ , will he ensure that the security guards who are presently members of the Transport and General Workers Union and the General , Municipal , Boilermakers and Allied Trades Union , employed by the Ministry of Defence , are allowed to continue as members of the union of their choice and are not ordered into another —
30 Will he ensure that the police are given the photographs of that demonstration , taken close up by the media ?
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