Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [adv] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He may just as well be a decision-maker , one who can foresee what decisions he will have to make , and what may happen as a result of them .
2 The president has at his disposal an array of bargaining counters that he must ceaselessly and skilfully deploy in countless negotiating situations .
3 He might just as well have said : ‘ It 's all very well asking for more money for the railways , but if the volume of rail freight were doubled , it would still be only a mere 16 per cent of the rail-and-road total . ’
4 He might just as well have stipulated long white trousers .
5 He might just as well not have bothered , for it was there still , it would be there for ever , unless one day they found how to cut memory out of the brain with a scalpel .
6 When he brushed some hair away from her face he might just as well have placed his hand on her most intimate spot .
7 He might just as well have branded her with the seal of his possession .
8 He might just as well have been ! ’
9 But he might just as well have been talking to himself .
10 He might just as well have enticed , ‘ Wo n't you walk into my parlour ? ’
11 If he wanted a degree he could just as well get one at the technical college in Ipswich …
12 He 'd more or less stopped thinking about money ; he 'd stopped thinking about ordinary living .
13 PP : No , he 'd more or less crippled himself with bursitis alter four months of conducting Billy Budd .
14 If he did not haggle , he would sooner or later lose out , with a consequent loss for his client .
15 Richard , Agnes 's younger son , was to find the Justice of the Forests south of Trent twelve ‘ free and law-worthy men ’ who would guarantee that he would well and faithfully keep the said bailiwick on Agnes 's behalf : the Forest Justice was then to admit him to the custody in Agnes 's place .
16 What he would really and truly like was to do this new degree course for Bachelor of Civil Law .
17 He would now and then play the most egregious fool in his carriage and was so much given to jesters , players and childish sports , to make himself merry , that anybody who saw his gravity on the one part and his folly and lightness on the other , would surely say that there were two distinct persons in him .
18 Another difference which the reader discovers at the end of the books is that Gatsby is truly faithful to Daisy , he will always and only love her , whereas Clegg soon spots another girl to replace Miranda .
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