Example sentences of "he [vb mod] to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 North once offered Calero a bullet-proof vest — ‘ the same sort the President wears ’ — Only to find Calero shocked at the implication that he ought to be looking danger in the face .
2 I , far from it but I think here we should be encouraging him or , or highlighting the , the problem that he 's got that he ought to be looking at .
3 Does your husband accept that perhaps he ought to be looking after the baby alternate weeks , or is that not a solution to the problem ?
4 ‘ It is , of course , precisely what he ought to be seeing , ’ he agreed , reluctantly .
5 It was remarkably clean and well-maintained , and all the lights worked but Clive felt as if he ought to be wearing a pith helmet , and carrying a hunting rifle that could bring down a charging rhino at fifty paces .
6 He ought to be wearing black .
7 He knew that he ought to be trying to sleep — he 'd managed no more than about five or six hours in the last fifty — but he was edgy and alert with the cold-water clarity of near-exhaustion .
8 It was probably something to do with the view that had convinced George he ought to be drinking a very large glass of dry sherry from the wood .
9 Once TOPIC and SEAQ screens had been introduced into a firm , the dealer could check what approximate price he ought to be getting , to be varied by what the firm took off or added to quote its price " net " of commission .
10 Instead of Bible teaching , he ought to be translating fine words into deeds .
11 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
12 Dr Spink said : ‘ He ought to be defending those who are finding it difficult to make ends meet here . ’
13 You know , he ought to be doing better things .
14 He used to be working fourteen hours a day in the shipyards of the Loire .
15 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
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