Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
2 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
3 Certainly her main reason for accepting the post had nothing to do with the actual work involved , but the hope that closer acquaintance with him might throw some light on Elise 's baffling death .
4 Telling him would mean more questions and delay her departure .
5 Members of congress are , in any event , likely to be in awe of the president ; a direct telephone call from him will carry special weight as Tip O'Neill reports : ‘ The men and women in Congress love nothing better than to hear from the head guy .
6 I suspect the left hook with which he floored Ali in their first bout and the controversy aroused when referee Harry Gibbs decided Bugner had outpointed him will remain important entries in British boxing long after the widely-publicised arguments between Eubank and Benn have faded from memory .
7 It was , however , a month or two before they gave up sending me colourful brochures with inducements to have a rose bush planted in his name or an attractively calligraphed entry in their ‘ Book of Remembrance ’ , to be opened every year on the date of his death to commemorate his passing etc , etc , none of which was cheap and I 'm sure that neither I nor anyone else who knew him will need that kind of reminder .
8 In the ornate new council chamber , Mayor Murphy was trying to convince the city council that to be a real Edwardian Mayor he ought to wear mayoral robes , as they did in England ; the newly extended hospital was bracing itself for additional accident cases ; and Hank Stych stood in the airport at Calgary waiting for a local plane to take him north to Tollemarche .
9 Perhaps he ought to remember those days and get around to living up to the promise he made to the last Tory conference .
10 He ought to take more care .
11 Having acquired a wife , Leslie began to think that he ought to take some steps towards securing our future .
12 Well , he should be ashamed of himself , he ought to have better things to think about . ’
13 Now I ca n't account for that , because he ought to have strong ones did n't he , if he did all that stuff there ?
14 He ought to have some painkillers , ’ said Phil , ‘ and we ought to get some fluids into him .
15 Rob Bettinson , the director , has deduced that he ought to have these images plus disc-jockeys , radio commercials , midwestern hops , but he does n't seem to know why .
16 He added that he may appoint independent assessors to review the viability of the 10 pits that have already been closed .
17 In the case of a Japanese company wishing to invest in this country , whereas hitherto the attractions of the United Kingdom economy , along with the English language , which is important in Japanese investment , have been significant , for the future we are issuing a warning to the Japanese investor to be careful ; he may not be able to price across Europe in the future , he may experience high interest rates in this country and he may find it much harder to trade into the Community , because if we are not participating in the single currency we may not get all the benefits of the single market either .
18 DEAN JONES fears his Test career may be over and he may quit Australian cricket .
19 On the one hand , he may include individual parking spaces within each demise ; on the other , he may grant each tenant a general right to park cars , either limited to a specified number of cars per tenant or on a daily " first come first served " basis .
20 Where the demised property consists of part only of a building the draftsman may either include sanitary facilities in each demise or he may grant each tenant a right to use communal facilities .
21 He may prefer still mineral water to tap water , so a bottle can be kept near him .
22 If the teacher explains the aims and objectives of the foreign-language course and the methods to be employed to attain them , he may transform this attitude into a readiness to learn by a certain method .
23 He may give more weight to pattern than to vocabulary : how to say things rather than what to say .
24 He may suffer financial penalties .
25 When he 's trying to impress you or your family , he may do all sorts of things he would n't dream of doing after the wedding .
26 If one doctor treats condition ‘ y ’ with therapy ‘ x ’ , he may observe clinical improvement in the absence of any real treatment effect ; if this experience repeats itself , he is destined to become an enthusiast for therapy ‘ x ’ .
27 He may want one kind of person .
28 He may face fresh charges .
29 He may oppose this measure but he should not pre-empt the results of the environmental assessment .
30 If a horse is very spooky and really does not ever settle down , there is a possibility that he may have defective eye-sight .
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