Example sentences of "he [vb past] not [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Originally he decided not to take up the option because he thought it would upset me , ’ Miranda said lamely .
2 With the sedative , Marek drifted into sleep but he did not wake up .
3 Emmie stroked him , but he did not wake up .
4 During the few minutes they chatted , apart from mentioning he was divorced , he did not bring up Liza 's name .
5 Julia removed her hand , but he did not stand up .
6 joined us just as we were ready to go overseas , he had just come out of er Flight School and of course his heart was set on being a fighter pilot and here he became a co-pilot so he was a very disappointed man and he did not stand up well in combat so there were n't too many missions , about five and I bounced him off the crew and would n't fly with him any more and got then other co-pilots to fly with me from our Squadron .
7 He did not look up .
8 But he did not look up until she 'd finished speaking .
9 He did not look up until he was right down in the station ; and it was a sound that made him look up .
10 He did not look up .
11 He did not look up towards the guard in the watch-tower .
12 He did not look up from his papers .
13 He did not look up when we came in .
14 There was the sound of movement on one of the galleries above Alexei 's head , but he did not look up .
15 He did not look up .
16 He did not look up , or say anything more .
17 He did not look up as she advanced down the long and beautiful room .
18 He did not look up as Harry approached , but went on working with the zeal and single-mindedness of one who is totally absorbed .
19 He did not turn up to the funeral when his friend died , and for me this was sadder than the loss of the vicar who had found peace and hope before he died .
20 According to Mr Jefferson , he did not turn up in Medewich . ’
21 His behaviour at the visit seems to suggest that he was a disturbing presence , since he did not turn up in the Great Hall as expected , but disappeared into a derelict and disused part of the house from whence he had to be fetched .
22 He did not come up again .
23 He did not put up any resistance when they flung him down on the rainswept slabs , and tied his ankles with a thick cord .
24 He did not get up , went on sitting there devouring my face with his black eyes .
25 When he returned to England from Calcutta , which he did as soon as he was well enough to travel , he did not take up the glorious and interesting life that was waiting for him there , as one would have expected .
26 He was in Paris from June 1720 until November 1721 , but the ministry had little confidence in him and appointed first John , second Baron Carteret ( later Earl Granville , q.v. ) , as ambassador extraordinary in January 1721 , a post he did not take up , and secondly Sir Luke Schaub [ q.v. ] as ambassador the following month .
27 He did not take up the point .
28 He was in good shape and in good heart , and although it was known that he did not run up to his best at Cheltenham , the conditions would suit him much more than those of a year ago and few opposed him .
29 His thick hair was greying but he had not given up on red baseball shoes , sleeveless T-shirts or what he called his ‘ cosmopolitan Lancashire accent , half scouse , half Lancashire ’ .
30 He had not given up hope of reshaping it along the lines he had already supported in the abortive Fouchet Plan .
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