Example sentences of "he [vb past] not [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he did not set out to be comprehensive .
2 CHRISTOPHER Gable says he did not set out to deliberately shock .
3 If he lay there until the morning , assuming he did not pass out , or drown , or spew up and choke to death in the meantime , he would be found when the boys came in to wash ; the humiliation would be unbearable and the whole story would be all over the school by breakfast .
4 He did not spell out what was meant by a limited period , but he will have to tell Hon. Members how long employees will be covered by TOPS before the Minister winds it up and what chance employees or their representatives will have to influence the outcome of negotiations on the way in which the scheme is to be wound up .
5 He did not hold out much hope that Merymose would persuade Kenamun to engage him , but there was no harm in familiarising himself with the terrain in advance if he could .
6 I did not want a verdict that he was killed in action because he did not go out there to fight .
7 His mother , Barbara Edwards , of Cae Gwilym Lane , Cefn Mawr , said : ‘ I did not want a verdict that he was killed in action because he did not go out there to fight , he went out to keep the peace . ’
8 Mrs Edwards , of Cefn Mawr , said : ‘ I did not want a verdict he was killed in action because he did not go out to fight ; he went out to keep the peace . ’
9 Competition would be fierce and the race for new clients , new products and new offices more desperate — he did not rule out the possibility that one of the Big Six would acquire a second tier firm .
10 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
11 The Confederation of Indian Nationalities of Ecuador ( Conaie ) had announced on Sept. 11 a campaign of civil disobedience , and the Conaie leader , Luis Macas , said that he did not rule out an " Indian rebellion " .
12 He said the battle over the motorway extension was important for the whole of Europe , and he did not rule out a further legal challenge .
13 He said he did not rule out the involvement of foreign agencies but cautioned : ‘ It is too early to pinpoint a particular agency or country . ’
14 In what he called " emphysema weather " , he did not venture out at all and in his last years one member of the firm , Peter du Sautoy , would report to him on the business being conducted — what books had been accepted , for example .
15 He did not stick out like a sore thumb — the drawback of most Englishmen , and he spoke French fluently .
16 The extreme diehards had written off Law as the dupe of Lloyd George because he did not come out fighting against coalition policies , hence the witticism that the coalition was an alliance between a flock of sheep led by a , crook and a flock of crooks led by a sheep .
17 What he did not point out was that his own two best players , Gary McAllister and Gordon Strachan , are Scottish .
18 He did not call out again , but only whimpered .
19 He ascertained that it related to the evidence and not to the law , but he did not find out what the problem was and merely gave general guidance .
20 But he did not find out what was the problem which had brought the jury back into court and it is therefore impossible to tell whether anything said by the judge resolved the problem or not , because no one knows what the problem was .
21 The university student had applied for help under the NHS Low Income Scheme , but said he had been assessed on a £300 loan he did not take out , which put him 39p in credit and not entitled for help .
22 He had not sought out her address .
23 As he intensified the party 's efforts to lure floating voters away from the Liberal Democrats , the Labour leader made clear he had not ruled out holding a referendum on constitutional change .
24 Although Stan was older and previously dominant , by virtue of being the only dog , he had not turned out to be the natural leader of he pair .
25 The whole truth of course he had not sussed out , for who could possibly imagine that luck of hers , which had caused the telephone to ring at precisely the right moment .
26 At Sobibor he had not cried out , nor flinched , before the horror and the death he saw .
27 He had not got out immediately , but sat and watched the broad Welshman and his wife pick their way carefully over the already frosted surface towards the club-house .
28 He had not worked out tactics to deal with what was not so much a surrender as a bid to form an immediate alliance .
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