Example sentences of "he [vb past] been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I think behind him had been one of the older woodchucks and João the electrician , except they 'd made themselves scarce commodities .
2 He had left her and gone to live with an upper-class woman , had soared to the opposite end of the scale from Josie , whose attraction for him had been that of a splenetic victim from the lower depths of the goyim : but Josie had refused a divorce and the ordeal had dragged on .
3 As Ari and Nathan went through the shop , Roirbak remembered with mixed feelings that Zambia and Tammuz might still be in there , and then wondered if some evil part of him had been aware of that all along .
4 He 'd been involved with bands all those years and could play a bit of music but he never quite got the hang of the idea of written music .
5 Even Roquelaure 's omission to tell him that he 'd been involved in setting up the deal with Iran seemed less mysterious as the Métro train cruised beneath the Paris streets .
6 Zen had told them he 'd been involved in a traffic accident , which had got a good laugh all round when it emerged that he was from Venice .
7 Well , she could n't even complain about that — he 'd been upfront about his intentions , had never pretended to feel anything he did n't .
8 He 'd been unhappy at her leaving without some commitment , anxious that she should have the ‘ protection ’ of his ring on her finger .
9 It was difficult to explain , but he 'd been uneasy for the last few minutes : not an emotion he 'd ever had much experience of before .
10 There was no evidence of actual impropriety , you see , but Puddephat admitted he 'd been friendly with the girl and given her extra coaching .
11 He had , in fact , treated her as a man might well treat a wife to whom he 'd been married for some years — a relaxed , comfortable relationship in which there was no need for any outward signs of affection .
12 If he 'd been moderate in his thieving he would never have been caught ; . ’
13 He had slipped up in using Tweed 's name because it had sounded as though he 'd been one of the casualties .
14 Yet Jezrael knew he 'd been one of them for longer than she 'd been on Mars .
15 In fact , he 'd been one of two warders who had escorted Derek Bentley from the condemned cell to the hangman on January 281953 .
16 I think he 'd been better for a long time on and off
17 He was put on probation and ordered to do community service after a solicitor said he 'd been upset by the death of his mother .
18 He 'd been pleased with his magnanimous administration of justice , but this new development looked as if advantage was being taken of weakness .
19 When Pat told me that he 'd been pleased with what I 'd said on Day to Day I felt better ; I could n't have coped with his disapproval as well .
20 Mallachy could tell he 'd been ridiculous from his face , and Rory had confessed immediately .
21 Wilson identified with his father , to the extent of wanting to have genital , genital contact with him , since Wilson saw his father as the author of all his skills , his strength and all that he 'd been grateful for .
22 He wondered whether he 'd been asleep for a while , or just deep in thought .
23 He 'd been stuck at the site for four days with Vic Saunders and Dick Renshaw , mostly without food .
24 He turned up at a party one night having just managed to get back from Italy where he 'd been supposed to be studying and it came out that he 'd been to Rome , too , and had actually met her father and knew their story — better than she did — and had sat at the feet of the Marchesa Giulia .
25 There was no logical reason why they should add to the vague tension he 'd been conscious of all day .
26 He 'd been conscious of her in the old days of course , although he kept quiet about that .
27 But now he did n't think he 'd been harsh at all .
28 He knew he 'd been wrong about me .
29 It was at that moment , Ronni thought later , that Guido made up his mind that he 'd been wrong in associating Jeff with the disappearance of his speedboat .
30 If he 'd been wary of placing too much trust in her , she 'd been openly sceptical about him , right from their first meeting .
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