Example sentences of "he [vb past] been [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been screwing all day and he 'd walk into the camp fucking going
2 In ‘ Downtown Beirut ’ , the boozery next door to the infamous ‘ Village Idiot ’ on 10th St. , ( where two Pogues ' albums continually rotate on the juke box ) , a dastardly plan was hatched to kidnap Strummer from out of the ‘ Seven B ’ bar , where he 'd been drinking all week , and substitute him onstage with Joe Hurley .
3 Even from this distance it was clear he 'd been hit several times in the chest and there was also red paint all over his visor .
4 But lately he 'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave , Rampage .
5 And there was the gatepost Dad had driven into because he 'd been eyeing some young girl instead of looking where he was going .
6 ‘ You do n't know who he is , but last night in the pub you asked Mr Hatton if he 'd been seeing much of McCloy lately .
7 The same old crowd , but he 'd been seeing much less of them .
8 Because of his experience , he 'd been taken further into God 's Kingdom , he 'd been given that vision into God 's Kingdom , now that 's more than just been given your eyesight , cos there 's a lot of people will see , who have their eyesight intact , but refuse to have the vision that was necessary to accept Jesus , new kingdom .
9 When her brother had looked likely to become a chip off the old block , he 'd been given all the support of a loving father intent on realising his own dreams through his son .
10 Apparently he 'd been telling all the other English teachers about it and now they all wanted their classes to see and hear about Hadwick 's owl .
11 The jagged hole through which he 'd been propelled some minutes before now rushed past his face once every minute or so .
12 He almost certainly had a pearl fedora to go with the image and brown and white two-tone shoes , if he 'd been wearing any .
13 He 'd been wearing this over the shirt he wore for the sitting , ’ Edwards said , ‘ and at the end of the last sitting just as he was leaving , as an afterthought , he said , ‘ Oh you better have this ’ and took it off and gave it to me , like the end of a football match . ’
14 He 'd been gone several days before Trueman did it .
15 Well I mean I , apparently he 'd been giving this , this guy stick like all day .
16 He 'd been told that often enough in the old days .
17 One evening , after he 'd been answering more questions from Coombs and Beeding , Quigley came into my room when I was doing my homework .
18 When I came out , wearing the least horrid of the shirts he 'd bought for me , he stood up ( he 'd been sitting all the time by the door ) .
19 He had big banks of lights and speakers on either side of his console with some lower-level relays here in the ballroom ; he 'd been running some smoke and dry ice earlier , and some of it still hung in the air and gave the lighted area beyond the doorways the effect of some offworld film set .
20 Obviously he 'd been doing some kind of a finance deal ; setting up a takeover ; and he 'd lifted some off the top for himself . ’
21 anyway their Bev 's husband he 'd been doing some work plus some money they dropped on these spindles , so she was telling me
22 ‘ From the expression on Rik 's face , you would think he 'd been doing this sort of stuff all his life , ’ Gerald says .
23 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
24 He was he 'd been hurt that was the usu that 's why some of the men did .
25 He had been conducting this little enterprise since the age of twelve , wearing false moustaches and passing for sixteen .
26 He is retired now , but he had been sent all her possessions some time after the war from the house in avenue Hoche .
27 He had been drinking all day with Slatter on 3 April , they had consumed some fourteen or fifteen quarts of ale , they had entered the Chequers , where they had been involved in an argument with two large men he now knew to be Hewett and Charlton .
28 He had been drinking all night long , beer and whisky .
29 Then Corporal Auriega , a fat Spaniard who sweated all the time , arrived back from town where he had been drinking all evening with his friends .
30 It would be just like Sipotai to attempt overwhelming force , and he had been expecting some kind of reaction ever since he had issued the order for Vortai 's herds to be culled .
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