Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv prt] at [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of the medics attending him looked up at me .
2 He beamed back at them .
3 She threw him a kiss as he winked up at her , smiling .
4 He gazed up at her , huge brown eyes unblinking , and made little , soft dove , like noises she believed designed to encourage her .
5 He gazed up at her with eyes much , much older than his face .
6 Her heart was thudding as she persisted , watched the narrowing of his eyes as he gazed down at her .
7 Her anguish must have penetrated his obvious antagonism as , standing back , he gazed down at her , the prepossessing lines of his face softening slightly as a reluctant smile lifted the corners of his mouth .
8 He gazed down at her , his lips thinned to a narrow line .
9 He gazed down at her for a long moment , then shook his head in disbelief .
10 He gazed down at her then and she felt the brief , searing taste of his mouth on hers .
11 He gazed down at her almost fiercely , his voice breaking as he told her , ‘ I can not endure another day like the last two weeks . ’
12 He gazed down at her for a long moment , studying her features as if trying to re-gather his thoughts .
13 He gazed down at her , his eyes incredibly blue , glittering with the desire .
14 And , while I 'm on the subject of fighting off unwanted intruders , ’ he added , the hard planes of his face tightening as he gazed down at her , ‘ I 'm not prepared to allow that man Dunton to mess around with my wife any longer !
15 Something which ignited in those brown depths as he gazed down at her .
16 He gazed back at her across the stained table with appalled eyes , linked to her by that bloodstained gurgle of water which was gushing through both their minds , sharing the same dreadful imagining of that silently emerging figure , the raised and bloody knife .
17 His expression was inscrutable as he gazed back at her .
18 He peered down at me and scratched his head as he replaced his cap on his bald head .
19 He was already half-way down the ladder when he shouted back at me , ‘ Do n't you want to come along , sister ? ’
20 He listened in rapt concentration as Mr Mercer described how one soldier shot off his leg and threatened to kill him until he shouted back at him ‘ in best barrack room invective ’ .
21 He lashed out at it and sent it flying down the road , away from the trio of kids .
22 A second or two later though and she realised that she must have been mistaken , for his look was suddenly more mocking than anything when , ‘ In a word , ’ he lobbed back at her , ‘ fantastic . ’
23 ‘ It 's suddenly urgent ? ’ he slammed back at her — and Fabia could cheerfully have hit him .
24 ‘ Affect ? ’ he threw back at her — most infuriatingly as far as she was concerned because she was positive that he knew full well this time the context in which she used the word .
25 He frowned down at her as she lay back self-consciously against the pillows .
26 Plunging his hands deeply into the pockets of his dark tailored suit , he frowned down at her from beneath his heavy brows , the lines of his face taut with strain and tension .
27 ‘ No , I do n't , ’ he flared back at her .
28 He grinned down at me .
29 Jenna drew back to look at him with stormy disbelief and he grinned down at her , gathering her close again .
30 ‘ It was n't immediately obvious to me , ’ Jenna said demurely , and he grinned down at her before looking seriously into her eyes .
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