Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Spoiling his fine Lace Coat , which they told him came out of the Treasury " .
2 For a moment there was silence , then the boy spoke again , the whole of him gathered up into the movement of his lips .
3 well there is that would n't taken him went off to the ch
4 During a sojourn in Northumbria one of these ‘ academic high-flyers ’ remained implacably ‘ not one of us ’ , and I heard him summed up in the following terms :
5 I saw George outside under the station lights and watched him set off towards the rear of the train .
6 She always observed every move he made out of the corner of one eye , though , and if he stirred in any way , even just to stretch or yawn , she would immediately react and flex herself to take defensive action .
7 In this way he even controverts the view that he lived up to the feared role of private sector financial disciplinarian when he brought qualified accountants for the first time into the head office .
8 He lived out in the country for a number of years , lived in poverty , erm , he thought about and he wrote about suicide .
9 Furthermore , when he checked back on the correlation between his simple lix values and the criterion of pooled estimates of difficulty , he found that the figure was 0.92 , which was exactly the same as that obtained from the multiple regression .
10 Collecting her ticket , she came up behind him again as he checked in for the flight .
11 Once at Frankfurt 's Rhine-Main airport he had collected the keys of a Golf Corbio from the Hertz desk and driven the twenty-four miles on the A66 to Mainz where he checked in at the Europa Hotel on Kaiserstrasse .
12 He came back , and he had been very quick , with an umbrella from which , as he plunged in through the swing door , he was tearing the plastic wrapping .
13 Then he plunged off into the Britches to check the nest-boxes .
14 He limped over to the window , pulled the curtains across and looked down .
15 He limped out of the heather , sat on the stones and shook the wet from his fur .
16 SINCE he limped out of the Old Firm game on 2 January , Tony Mowbray has missed all of Celtic 's last 13 matches .
17 Shielding his eyes against the dust and heat with an upraised arm , he limped back to the corner and peered round .
18 The drums then took up a regular beat as he stalked back to the coffin .
19 He stalked off towards the camp 's edge where a huge band of his brothers waited .
20 Etchings were sent to a printer to make some impressions and someone surreptitiously made copies which he passed on to the defendant who intended to display them in an exhibition which the public could attend on payment of an admission charge .
21 I did n't even look up as he went up the ramp into the street , so I 'm still not sure when he passed out of the garden and into the rest of the world .
22 Rachel watched him as he tramped back through the fruit trees towards the house .
23 Disgusted with everything , he tramped out beyond the town , near to where the public ash dump was situated , and soon found a scene accurately reflecting his inner state .
24 He hopped out of the water and sat down on the bank next to Anabelle .
25 With that , he hopped down from the rock , leaving its previous occupant free rein over the throng .
26 Staying close to the wooden wall , he crept along between the shed and the hedge .
27 Totally mystified by his experience , he crept back to the booking hall and tried to sleep .
28 He crept back into the kitchen and made himself another cup of tea .
29 As he crept in through the scullery window she would leap from her bedroom and conceal herself in the nettles , unconscious of the pain .
30 " Andrew Stavanger is a fine shipping man — his family owned the fleet before he sold out to the group .
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