Example sentences of "he [vb past] not [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The malaise that had troubled him did not go away until , one day , when he was using the chamber-pot upstairs , he noticed an angry sore on his penis .
2 The form before him did n't re-dissolve however , for which fact Gentle was only half glad .
3 Even the thought of sharing a bed with him did n't seem so threatening when he was being kind .
4 He agreed not to go back to the house and got a friend to collect some of his belongings .
5 For weeks he tried not to go near it , but he could not stay away from it for long .
6 He tried not to look either left or right .
7 as if this was some peculiar new word he 'd not heard before .
8 Something must have told him that he 'd not said quite the right thing , for he looked at Zeinab uneasily afterwards .
9 Upon our arrival at the foot of the stairs the dog made it plain that stairs were an innovation he 'd not encountered before , by staging the first of many sit-down strikes .
10 He 'd not got on at Didcot , though .
11 They parted nine years ago and the split distressed him so much he vowed not to get seriously involved with another woman for a very long time .
12 Angalo was the same , but more than being Outside he hated not going fast .
13 ‘ Originally he decided not to take up the option because he thought it would upset me , ’ Miranda said lamely .
14 But jobs were hard to find and he decided not to resign then but to wait a few weeks until he found another job .
15 But , in the main , westerners fear a spell in the east will mean a kink in their careers , or that life will be too grey ( ‘ not even a decent pub ’ , groaned one civil servant back from an eastern town he decided not to work in ) .
16 Then the buyer lost money because of the Gulf crisis , and the price of land was falling so he chose not to go through with the contract .
17 The fact that he chose not to do so was seen as a tacit admission of the widely held view that the foreign policy successes of President George Bush had made his re-election an inevitability .
18 In fact , she was quietly grateful for the fact that he chose not to sit down to table with them .
19 ‘ I should be sorry for him if he did not land more in the thorns than in the flowers — that 's all . ’
20 He did not benefit much , scoring 23 before he snicked Snell 's out-swinger , as he did in the first innings , to be caught by the keeper .
21 Indeed , he did not set out to be comprehensive .
22 CHRISTOPHER Gable says he did not set out to deliberately shock .
23 He did not care much for fun just now .
24 Anyhow , he did not care much .
25 He did not care how this made Phyllisia feel .
26 He did not feel very well and he felt that some air was called for .
27 He did not feel so hostile to them as he did to the ravens , and merely ignored them , overflying them if they came too close but not behaving more aggressively than that .
28 It was good to be angry ; when he was angry he did not feel so afraid .
29 Angel was glad to be at home , and yet he did not feel so much part of the family as he used to .
30 If he did not feel so dreadful , Harry would tell the fellow just what he could do with his bedside wit .
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