Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The year before he 'd been into the whole Absolute Beginners scene and everything around him had to date from the late ‘ fifties , early ‘ sixties .
2 Next month he planned to retire from the army , but says he could n't resist this call to duty .
3 Although he insisted that he had done nothing remiss — he admitted receiving a 5,000,000 yen loan from an associate of the firm in 1989 but claimed to have repaid the money — he agreed to resign from the party ( but not from the Upper House ) for having caused embarrassment to the SDPJ .
4 On September 17 he failed to return from the ‘ gallant and historical ’ night attack on Cherbourg .
5 Suddenly it occurred to Alexei that in the event that he failed to return from the embassy the question of solemnising the marriage would not arise , and he wondered again how far he could trust Burun .
6 One of the offences to which Gavin pleaded guilty was a specimen charge of £100 , an amount he admitted taking from the account once or twice a month between March and October 1991 .
7 Northampton did win a scrum against the head on their line but they could not escape and a ferocious tackle by Pepper knocked Foale backwards as he tried to drive from a scrum .
8 That night , Seb had so much to drink that when he tried to rise from the ground beside the camp-fire to return home his legs felt like rubber and he sat down again unexpectedly .
9 Francis might have more to tell of these towns — of their poor and their beggars — whom he tried to raise from the dull misery of want to accept and bless their lot by enjoying poverty and simplicity as great as theirs .
10 He was restrained as he tried to rush from the dock before the judge left the court .
11 He was hurt as he tried to transfer from the Tayjack rig to the tug Torbay Endeavour off the coast of Sunderland .
12 AN insurance clerk told a jury yesterday he was unaware he had run down a mother and her two daughters as he tried to escape from a man in car who had threatened him .
13 ‘ They sent him to Australia for life , because he tried to escape from the prison-ship . ’
14 Hence everything he built sprang from the fifteenth century and before .
15 Disagreeing with him over the patients ' preparatory period before inoculation , which he proposed to reduce from a month to eight or ten days , and recommending an open-air regime instead of confinement indoors following inoculation , Sutton left to set up his own practice at Ingatestone , Essex , in October 1763 .
16 He wished he 'd hung from the rail and reduced the distance , but that would have taken several seconds to set up and his pursuer had already been half-way across the room .
17 He looked as though he 'd stepped from the pages of a history book .
18 His father had died and he bought the property with money he 'd inherited from the estate .
19 He 'd fallen from a second floor window .
20 a man stuck ‘ jewels ’ he 'd gathered from the beach
21 Then there were the bruises on his knees and elbows that he 'd received from the fall over the trip-wire at Jacqui 's .
22 ‘ Yes , I have , have n't I , ’ he had agreed cheerfully , clearly pleased at the speedy , efficient response to the phone calls he 'd made from the Meadowses ' ranch house the day before .
23 A large suitcase lay on the bed , still full of the clothes he 'd taken from the other room .
24 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
25 He took out the keys that he 'd brought from the office back home , and opened the door .
26 ‘ Each dealer knew well the cattle he 'd brought from the Irish villages .
27 When police raided his house , they found a fifteenth century Bastiano which he 'd stolen from a gallery in Venice last week .
28 The horror remained on their faces , but for some reason he 'd disappeared from the scene .
29 It was pink , one he 'd had from a baby .
30 Another of his treasures , the seventh volume of Gaud Maybellome 's Encyclopaedia of Heavenly Signs , originally written in the language of Third Dominion academics but widely translated for the delectation of the proletariat , he 'd bought from a woman in the city of Jassick , who 'd approached him in a gaming room where he was attempting to explain cricket to a group of the locals , and said she recognized him from stories her husband ( who was in the Autarch 's army in Yzordderrex ) had told .
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