Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I asked John how he planned to do this shot and he said , ‘ Simple .
2 With the help of his mother and sister , he agreed to continue this work at home which would be set by the school and assessment centre jointly .
3 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
4 There Tyndale wrote to urge him to avoid any discussion of the Sacraments , but he failed to take this advice and was convicted as a heretic precisely on this question and was burned .
5 Even when he tried to put this matter right , by putting his head forward and up , he was faced with an even greater difficulty because he saw again from the mirror that he was increasing the tension and pulling his head back even further .
6 So he tried to placate this man and he was n't going to be placated .
7 In Marx 's first draft of the plan for Capital there was a section on the State , but he proposed to approach this question from afar , after analysing capitalist economy in the strict sense of the word .
8 He promised to pass this idea on .
9 So in 1818 when a doctor called Herbert was told of a young man living on the island of Fetlar in the Shetland Islands off the north of Scotland who had been deaf and blind from birth , he hastened to see this object of curiosity for himself .
10 And this astonished him , because he 'd seen this kind of thing at home .
11 And he always tells me , he said that er he had no sleep during the night he he thought he 'd killed this man , you see , he says , I seen him drop , and I seen blood .
12 And er anyway , when I got in from work last night , he 'd done carrots , sprouts , cabbage , mashed potatoes , and he 'd done this pie .
13 He was finally given a pension , but by that time he was old , he was half paralysed , and he was nearly blind , and he died in eighteen thirty-six , only six years after he 'd received this recognition and this pension .
14 He 'd planned this summit carefully , and now the Zen of the entire thing had gone crazy , because just as Dad opened his mouth to start talking blood had started to drip into my lap from my nose as a result of Charlie chucking me into his drum-kit .
15 No doubt he 'd enjoyed this association with young men , trousers and jackets endlessly tried on in curtained booths .
16 He 'd organised this expedition to Westminster to present the Prime Minister with his trusty iceaxe , which had helped him in his arctic endeaveours .
17 He 'd organised this expedition to Westminster to present the Prime Minister with his trusty iceaxe , which had helped him in his arctic endeaveours .
18 He walked across the small park on the far side of the street towards the vast exhibition centre , glancing back frequently : he 'd chosen this route because it was impossible for Marler to follow him without being seen .
19 ‘ We did n't know he 'd won this award until last month .
20 It was n't the first time he 'd had this nightmare ; it was happening more often nowadays .
21 Yeah I , I , I think , I think it was about by the time he , he 'd had this allowance from you know going to College , I , I think it left him with about twenty seven bob a week , which was n't bad you know .
22 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
23 He 'd had this sickness all along , of course , but he 'd worsened since the assassin 's visit , and her tolerance for these traits , braced as she 'd been by her encounter with Gentle , had dropped to zero .
24 She had been married for the last two years , to a man who really was a sewage plant manager ( Slater was quite hurt that Graham thought he 'd invented this detail for the sake of a joke ) .
25 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
26 and he 'd remembered this spiel and he 'd got it word perfect and he 's reeling it off as his one objection
27 He came to see this play last week .
28 Tuning his psychic sense , he strove to analyse this feeling until he was virtually positive of its origin .
29 And in the middle of the night Boaz wakes up and he turns and he startled to find this woman , lying at his feet and he says , who are you ?
30 He rung to apologize this morning and said that it will be sorted and you will have your cheque .
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