Example sentences of "he [coord] [vb past] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They also lay down beside him and pressed their bodies against his to heat him .
2 Miranda faced him and schooled her features .
3 She eased away from him and unzipped his boots , tugging them off before sliding the leathers down over his long legs .
4 He caught hold of the two nearest him and knocked their heads together , kicked two more and grabbed the ringleaders .
5 Once again she leaned against him and felt his hands clasped at her back .
6 So , ‘ Goodnight , Ven , ’ she bade him for a third time , only this time she stretched up to him and touched her lips to his cheek .
7 Bosley and Hughes knelt on him and manacled his hands behind his back .
8 ‘ Here , ’ he said ( or some such generous word ) : I grabbed the bag from him and got my fingers round some dried fruit and stuffed into my mouth .
9 After you had arrested him and got his trousers on what did you do ?
10 Robyn glanced to where he pointed and then looked up at him and folded her arms .
11 The promising entrepreneur finds it very hard to compete with multinationals , which can always outproduce him and undercut his prices because of the very scale of their operations and capital .
12 She turned to face him and saw his glasses flash in the gloom .
13 She glanced at him and saw his shoulders shaking .
14 When the two truckers gave up their cursory attempt to find him and rejoined their companions , he advanced to the edge of the clearing to keep them under observation .
15 Eventually he got fed up and told them to stop bothering him and ignored their letters .
16 John pushed the plate away from him and stuck his thumbs in his braces .
17 They saw him and kicked their horses forward so Sharpe turned his tired mare northwards , and spurred her into a gallop .
18 But she resisted the urge to turn and glance at him and kept her eyes fixed straight ahead .
19 The Controller of the Silver Mines laid his arms on the table in front of him and clasped his hands together , sinking his head .
20 They were dazzled by him and shut their eyes .
21 Three-year-old Jacqueline ran at him and grasped his knees ; he put down his briefcase and lifted her in his arms , flattered by her attention .
22 I put his age at forty , but even among men twenty years younger he would have been accounted handsome , and he knew it , for his expression showed both confidence and amusement as he continued to hold Ellen 's hand , and he showed even more amusement when she suddenly realised just what liberty she was thus granting him and jerked her fingers swiftly away .
23 She had a terrible temper , and it always made him double up when she swore at him and clenched her fists .
24 As he got into bed she rolled over towards him and put her arms round him .
25 Mrs Danby went to him and put her arms on him .
26 Bunty 's death — lively , stupefyingly alluring Bunty who had stretched out her bare leg to him and put her fingertips on his lips — annulled by a group of people because a performance must go on ?
27 Danny Brady claimed damages after claiming he was unlawfully evicted by 6 men who threatened him and put his belongings on the street .
28 Ruth linked her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his .
29 She turned on her side away from him and closed her eyes .
30 She turned to him and closed her eyes , reaching for the back of his head , pulling his face closer .
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