Example sentences of "he [adv] had [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , his favourite pastime was kidnapping innocent virgins , holding them prisoner in his cave while he presumably had his wicked way with them , and then lowering them sixty metres down to waiting boats to be sold into slavery … ’
2 He obviously had his own reasons for wanting you to believe he owned Seawitch .
3 The name Tolkien , he once remarked in a letter , is based on the German word for foolhardy : which is what , when he finally had his huge romance published , he must have supposed himself to be .
4 He already had his own .
5 Larry was informed that another aircraft was on cockpit checks and would he like to fly in that , especially as he already had his flying kit .
6 The mirror told him he still had his youthful figure , and the grey was all covered now .
7 He still had his flying helmet on but the goggles were smashed .
8 He said : ‘ He once had his own phone line but was disconnected by BT after running up huge bills .
9 He often had his own tape-recorder running to make sure there were no liberties with the editing .
10 Neither man , however , is commenting on the goings on which have turned Mr Lines from being the industry 's darling , he even had his 40-acre Teesport chemicals development blessed by Mrs Thatcher , into the pariah of the market .
11 He then had his right hand , left foot , and right leg below the knee amputated , but lost consciousness afterwards and died from his injuries .
12 He never had his own desk on principle , as he said all desks had chains attached .
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