Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I fink 'e still misses those 'orses . ’
2 'E really loved those 'orses .
3 They had sent him home to do two years in a military prison and his dark oily skin had suffered while inside .
4 Yeah David said he 's not too bothered , would he rather take some beans and the toaster ?
5 Would n't he rather wait twenty-four hours ? ’
6 His business skills and integrity earned him wide respect , and a strong personality reinforced his large physical presence — he latterly weighed eighteen stones .
7 He was accordingly arrested and taken to Vine Street Police Station where he duly provided two specimens of breath in the intoximeter .
8 He rarely made fundamental mistakes and never , she suspected , about a man 's scientific ability .
9 He rarely opened new vistas and he rarely inspired his supporters .
10 Is it the case that he merely dismisses those submissions with which he does not agree and proceeds in an autocratic fashion ?
11 You know he obviously sees rich peasants as you know a more er unattractive class of peasant , I mean he sees the poor peasants as the real er vanguard of the revolution , the people who have done all the work and erm sacrificed er security at an early stage
12 Like many of the expatriate teachers here , he obviously has strong sympathies with the Chinese communist line , and that 's probably why we were n't introduced to him by the embassy .
13 He obviously possessed great talents , though he perhaps thought more highly of them than did others ; and he also had a unique capacity for arousing antagonisms and hatred .
14 John Paul II described how he personally scrutinised successive drafts — 10 in all — which were presented for his consideration .
15 We were a large family of seven and my father worked on the railway and he only had two pounds a week , but we could make three pounds and ten shillings just at the weekend by working the clubs .
16 Next night he fancied a bit of fresh salmon and as he only had two days to live , she rushed out and bought him some salmon .
17 Just as Debbie was about to wind up the window , he suddenly asked her for a lift , saying he only lived 5 minutes down the road and could she drop him on her way ?
18 Though he only lived five miles away from ‘ Tanglewood ’ — our newly acquired house — it was often more convenient , when we were rehearsing , for him to stay in the guest room .
19 Short was such a brilliant child player that he was paying tax on his winnings at 12 — although schoolwork came less easily and he only managed four O-levels .
20 The number of lagged terms that enter into equation ( 6.8 ) are determined empirically by Barro ; that is , he only retains lagged terms the coefficients of which are significantly different from zero .
21 He only collected four points in the 1961 championship and decided to leave Cooper at the end of the season to develop hi ow Grand Prix car .
22 ( Why has he only given magic mushrooms four for euphoria , when Collis Brownes gets five ? )
23 He only missed three greens out of the eighteen , and he putted like crazy .
24 and the one one for the Libs he only used twenty seconds , twenty two seconds !
25 He only has specific proposals for 10% of the total entitlement spending cap , yet the across the board tax rate cuts would lose $25bn a year in revenue for each percentage point reduced , and conservatives are calling for a three point cut .
26 He only works three days a week anyway because of lot of tournaments
27 He only liked large men around him and must have looked askance at small Welshmen like T. E. Thomas and G. D. Morgan .
28 He only bought three weeks .
29 He only gobs miniscule amounts at any time … and has a constant supply waiting , poised on his tongue .
30 He only remembered certain bits of the accident .
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