Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though some people found him rather wrapped up in his thoughts , he always enjoyed talking to children about science .
2 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
3 An hour later , Tracy and Miss Ludlow helped him secretly slip away from the hospital to spend two days in a secluded Miami retreat soaking up the sun before returning to Newmarket .
4 It was just too galling , seeing him all dressed up for someone else .
5 Well I 'm I 'm sorry but I 'm not a lot of use to him if I let him just walk away from the shield .
6 ‘ And his fellow directors do n't mind him just going off by himself without letting them know where he is ?
7 It might seem too easy to him just to slip away into the fantasy world of death . ’
8 He said but unfortunately because he 's boisterous , which he is and because it 's easier for them with their numbers to let him just get away with it or say oh Martin go outside we ca n't , you know , then then he was n't learning
9 This must be him just coming in through the side door .
10 It took him longer to get there after the performance but he was away from all the problems of the rest of the company .
11 He guessed his mother was making it all up just to frighten him and to stop him ever going out of the house alone .
12 She felt edgy and unsettled , dreading tomorrow and the final show-down over Ryan — for the prospect of breaking her solemn promise to him still lay heavily on her mind .
13 An astonished officer found him still clinging grimly to the controls as he trundled along at a snail 's pace .
14 The rest of the lads got a fair distance down the freeway en route to Toronto before they realised they 'd lost him , went back , and found him still sitting there like a tit in a trance nodding away to his Walkman .
15 Calm and svelte , stealthy as a cat in his movements , he seemed to approach sex as a form of research , favouring techniques of foreplay so subtle and prolonged that Robyn occasionally dozed off in the middle of them , and would wake with a guilty start to find him still crouched studiously over her body , fingering it like a box of index cards .
16 And him always bumming on to Derek about how he 'd taped the whole of Brideshead Revisited .
17 Trudy had put up with his nonsense with great patience but when she found him busily working away in the region of her left ear it was too much .
18 An unpretentious batsman and an excellent field near the wicket , his towering height — he was 6 ft. 5 ins. tall , and delivered the ball , it was claimed , from a height of eight feet — enabled him both to bowl effortlessly off a short run and to produce stinging lift off a good length .
19 Some of his oldest friends , who for years had been accustomed to seeing him , fat and genial , as the leading light of a pig-sticking expedition , were astonished to hear him now holding forth like a veritable Newton or Faraday and discussing the latest discoveries in medicine as fluently as if they were entries in the Bengal Club Cup or the Planters ' Handicap .
20 I can see him now standing there in the door .
21 He followed her up to the bar and she heard him noisily latching on to Riley who , she was positive , would not buy him a drink .
22 He you could see him really took up to them .
23 Davis , of course , would have walked into England 's team in Poland a week on Wednesday ; until last season 's prolonged suspension , followed by injury , Bobby Robson had him firmly pencilled in as Bryan Robson 's replacement .
24 Jim had stomped downstairs wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief and later it had been Jo and Lisa who had packed his bags and told him never to come back to the house .
25 I said let him bloody get on with it .
26 Aveling preferred actresses , but they were more difficult to locate once he left New York , and he rather looked down on what passed as theatre in America , although he admired Buffalo Bill 's Wild West Show .
27 The answer is an all-too-simple one : by the time he courageously signed on as a volunteer infantryman , John was in the terminal stages of consumption .
28 There was no more sound , so he slowly reversed back into the road as the Sturmabteilungen from the gate carne up to investigate .
29 Then , proudly and smiling , he slowly walked back for the presentation , his friends dancing round him patting him .
30 Two weeks ago he secretly flew back to Sarajevo to speak to 10-year-old Natasha Mihaljcic 's only surviving relative .
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