Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But we do n't want him just to put them into a cupboard ? ’
2 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
3 Well , he only puts them on the
4 he only puts them on the floor .
5 When he only bought them for three X ?
6 Philby claimed he thoughtfully put them on the right track to divert suspicion from himself .
7 The bills came on the morning of the burial , and he suddenly drew them from his pocket during the service , opening them without knowing what he was doing .
8 He warmly congratulated them on their foresight .
9 Poindexter , although he had cautioned North not to ‘ talk in plain language ’ , confessed that he had never used the three-by-five cards covered with codes that North had given him ; he just carried them in his briefcase .
10 But he was saying you see , what 's happened is the they is n't his he just delivers them for the bloke
11 For the second lot , he may have another code which I do n't have or he just knows them by heart .
12 You know he just bought them from sale or whatever it was , sixty , seventy quid bit of polish .
13 This had the desired effect of quietening them again , and he acted while he still had them under control .
14 She told herself to clear all thought of their bankruptcy from her mind , to think like the rich he still believed them to be .
15 Thorfinn said , ‘ He will either send back a fire-party and advance with the rest while he still has them in order , or he 'll abandon both his carts and his cover and bring them all on to finish us . ’
16 At the wicket he is a Roman general , unquestioning of his own ability to defeat the barbarians ; yet because the pride and haughtiness are justified by having repeatedly proved himself to be the best , one can not resent them , especially since he usually leaves them on the field of combat .
17 He was not quick to anger and confrontation ; shocks caught up with him slowly and he usually faced them in solitary depression rather than by throwing a scene .
18 But as Hurst has emphasised ( 1976 , pp. 292 ) such pottery ‘ presents a serious problem ’ for it is often so fragmentary or ‘ unstratified ’ , so as to make study difficult ; he also describes them as ‘ cooking-pots ’ .
19 If Jesus died in order to make the unjust justified , he also endowed them with his Spirit in order to make them just .
20 He also related them to his own state of affairs .
21 He also held them in Ambleside and Manchester .
22 Obliquely flattering his readers by introducing them to boys near their own age involved in surprising and exciting events , he also invited them to wishful thinking , if not to identification , by emphasising the youth of his heroes and underplaying the responsibility and enforced maturity belonging to midshipmen in the early and mid-teens in reality .
23 New coach Pierre Berbizier is a noted disciplinarian , and whilst selecting ‘ Les Bèglois ’ for their ability and strength he also issued them with a stern warning against any brutish excesses .
24 He also instructs them in advanced forms of the system .
25 When two angels , again in disguise , met Lot in Sodom , he also welcomed them by bowing to the ground once ( 19.1 ) .
26 His defence was , therefore , that on the facts as he reasonably believed them to be , his use of force would not have been unlawful , and he was entitled to be acquitted according to the ordinary principles governing criminal liability .
27 There is an unconditional appropriation when the goods are identified and the third person acknowledges that he now holds them for the buyer , Wardars ( Import & exports ) v. W. Norwood ( 1968 C.A. ) .
28 We give the child two pencils of equal length side-by-side , and he correctly judges them to be the ‘ same size ’ .
29 For all the world as if she and Miss Beard were ladies of quality , he ceremoniously handed them into the carriage , the two of them to sit together in the back , while Herbert Fraser sat beside Sean in the front .
30 These he occasionally set to music himself , and he frequently sang them in his rich bass voice for his friends ' ( and perhaps the public 's ) pleasure …
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