Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [verb] me a " in BNC.

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1 He has sent me a copy of Tax Bulletin No 1 , which covers the Revenue 's official line for treating such expenditure .
2 He has taught me a great deal about the business , ’ Alice proffered , ‘ and I know he is totally loyal to the Maison de Verveine .
3 He has bought me a drink .
4 He wants me I mean he wants to do me a favour , Paul , so he might gi he might , you know I mean he say for us , I mean for us he would
5 Erm no , he does help me a few things but I do all the digging for him because he ca n't bend down too much .
6 He 's given me a free hand to buy horses .
7 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
8 He 's given me a few jokes but only ones he used a long time ago ! ’
9 he 's given me a life line , so jolly well it happened and enjoy life .
10 Well , he 's given me a ticket and he 's gon na give , loads of us going , there 's about ten of us !
11 Just been to a friend 's house and he 's given me a nice cup of tea and a little drop of brandy and that I did enjoy it
12 Bless you , now you see , now straight away I 've asked him a simple question , he 's given me a simple , straightforward answer
13 But I looked at it and I thought well I 'm being silly here because , it 's not keeping that for me , , you see he 's given me a bit of and
14 He 's made me a cup of tea !
15 He 's made me a new person !
16 Called me , he 's called me a college crappy , he goes why do n't you go back , he goes , why do n't you go back to college , you college crappy .
17 He 's offered me a room at Armscott whenever I 'm down in Oxfordshire . ’
18 He 's bought me a record-player and records and all the things on the huge shopping-list I gave him .
19 He 's promised me a fabulous dinner , to say nothing of what he calls ‘ a romantic stroll by the sea in the moonlight . ’
20 Oh he 's got me a on a good band wagon now !
21 It 's his age that is against him , but he 's helped me a great deal since I came into the Irish squad . ’
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