Example sentences of "he [conj] [pers pn] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which a person feels threatened by other people having information about him or her varies from one person to another .
2 I was going to say that I was grateful to the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) for raising this issue , because I agree with him that it needs to be properly debated on the Floor of the House .
3 Stavrogin , needling away , elicits from him that he believes in Russia and the Orthodox Church and the body of Christ .
4 He looks up at his direct opposite Martin and then adds , ‘ Secretly I agree with him and he agrees with me , and we both agree to differ …
5 He looks up at his direct opposite Martin and then adds , ‘ Secretly I agree with him and he agrees with me , and we both agree to differ …
6 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
7 And I went into the management the bakery manager and asked him and he says to me , This is not a cooperative bakery .
8 There has , nevertheless , been time to watch him and he appears to be hitting shot after shot pretty well exactly where he wants it .
9 There has , nevertheless , been time to watch him and he appears to be hitting shot after shot pretty well exactly where he wants it .
10 Continued on Page 4 Continued from Page 1 Chief Insp Phil McDonald said : ‘ It is obvious that someone cares dearly for the child as clothing and provisions were left with him and he appears to be well cared for and in good health . ’
11 Chettle looking for Rozario and finds him and it goes towards Collimore just cleared in the nick of time by Whitlow .
12 Laws swings it in flicked away Gemmell gets it back and now Pearce Black outside him and it goes in long towards Collimore .
13 It is the Spirit who not only convinces Paul that ‘ imprisonment and afflictions ’ await him if he goes to Jerusalem , but constrains him to accept that destiny ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
14 Do you think he would be able to take it with him if he goes to Conway House ? ’
15 How can I make him see his colleagues will look down on him if he says in the same old rut ?
16 I 'm not a yeller , but the only way I can handle him if he gets like that is , I yell back .
17 He says the sun will only shine on him if it rains for at least a month .
18 Does n't say much about him cos he lives in Barnslow and only comes over occasionally that he can sort things out on the .
19 The transaction seems to embarrass him because he insists on carrying it out in the corridor out of sight of his secretary , whose fluffy blue feet have just slipped and slid back through the door of his office .
20 This is the spirit of truth whom the world can not receive because it does not know him , does not behold him or know him , but you know him because he abides with you and will be in you .
21 Your family doctor may know one end of a thyroid gland from another-with any luck — but no especial wisdom is granted him because he sits in a surgery seeing one coughing person after another all day ; peering into ears and wombs and hearing tales of insomnia and worms .
22 Please sir , Axl 's doctor said we 're to be nice to him because he comes from a broken home and he has to wear a kilt .
23 His latest play , David Henry Hwang 's M. Butterfly , which began its national tour in Bath this week , attracted him because it deals with the questions of sexual roles and masculine/feminine identity which he has been exploring through his men 's group for the past 18 months .
24 He walks off and I watch him till he disappears round the corner .
25 yes , clever ride there , there oh God look at the state of him before he falls in
26 No , wait a minute , I 've a better idea ; she might be able to get Paul to bring them if she can catch him before he leaves for the airport . ’
27 On the spectator 's left ( fig. 127 ) a Lapith drags down a Centaur who with right hand against the ground resists the pressure while his left is still buried in a woman 's hair and drags her down with him as she claws at his beard with back-stretched hand .
28 They follow him as he goes through the sky and when he leaves the sky they look for him all night .
29 An infra-red scanner winks its inflamed eye at him as he goes into the lounge in search of reading matter .
30 Dr. Briant must abandon his project and restore to this unhappy baby his birthright , the chance to grow up in a real home , with real parents who will love him as he deserves to be loved .
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