Example sentences of "he [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She put her arms round him where he stood on the threshold of her room .
2 He was one of those ‘ look after number one ’ types , not averse to trampling on other people if it got him where he wanted to be .
3 After the war a man called Alec Howson in Barnard Castle ran the trips and it was with him that we went to Loch Lomond .
4 he was right at the height of his Anthony Newley hang-up , so one problem was constantly reminding him that he sounded like Anthony Newley and trying to ‘ de-Newleyfy ’ him if you could .
5 Only the mouth told him that he looked on the face of his friend .
6 She told him that he had to be successful and then she made it impossible for him .
7 I was that busy trying to convince him that he had to er go to doctors cos I says what did they actually do ?
8 As he approaches the city on the freeway the same old restless excitement stirs in him that he felt on that first apocalyptic evening all those years ago .
9 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
10 It was recorded of him that he sang with the monks in the divine offices ; when taunted by the king for his clerkly tastes , he responded that an illiterate king was a crowned ass ( a cliché much favoured in twelfth-century Angevin circles , for it sprang from a sense of family superiority — the counts of Anjou were , by any standards , learned men ) .
11 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
12 He also contrived to marry several times , on one occasion to a shrewish wench who so exasperated him that he leapt upon her and gave her such a beating that she held her peace thereafter .
13 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
14 However , I would also like to remind him that I wrote in response to a report which I assumed to be factual .
15 He also taught us music and it was through him that I learned of its expressive nature .
16 Later that evening she had told him that she came from Newcastle , that her widowed father had remarried and that she and her stepmother could n't get on .
17 Her sturdy common sense , the downright attitude to life which never ceased to surprise him , the constant loving references to a papa and a mama who sounded remarkably practical themselves , even if they had spoiled their beautiful daughter , informed him that she came from a background very unlike any that Dr Neil had ever encountered .
18 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
19 Dr Neil was not in any way surprised at McAllister 's reaction to his lovemaking ; he expected such modesty from a well brought up young girl , and her arms around his neck , her timid responses , fluttering though they were , told him that she felt for him what he felt for her , and further inflamed his own passion , while warning him to go gently .
20 ‘ They were n't like you when I was at school , ’ had been his amused reaction when she had told him that she taught in the village .
21 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
22 At first she told him that she wanted to be near her cousin Freddy , in the Engineers .
23 He chucked this bit of glass , it cut him so we ran over here .
24 For Michael Codron , it marked the start of an outstanding production career — which had seemed to bode so ill for him during the run of The Wit To Woo , a play that had no happier associations for him than it had for Ken .
25 He has a dynamic personality and musical discrimination , and without exception the orchestra played much better for him than it did for the ballet conductor , Viktor Fedotov .
26 Feeling closer to him than she had at any time since her mother 's death , Rory hid her face against his shoulder .
27 She knew only marginally more about him than she did about Bella .
28 Him and her sat on the fence , the they 're slobbering away !
29 General Lu Han had 180000 troops with him and they lived off the country in the traditional Chinese manner , looting and exporting industrial plant to China .
30 She looked up at him and they kissed on the lips , this time not frivolously , but full of heat and passion .
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