Example sentences of "he [verb] there [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact he was so attracted to the canal with its brightly painted barges pulled by strong horses that his parents finally had to forbid him to go there in case he had another accident .
2 Esther had already whetted his appetite , and it was close enough to his parents ' home for him to return there for lunch each day .
3 In the film version it makes no difference whether he gets there in time or not .
4 She was living as au pair with the Drummonds — such a nice family — and he went there to dinner .
5 The corpse has been in a freezer in Hawaii since he died there in exile in 1989 .
6 He waited there on top of the high dune watching half a dozen matches come through .
7 When he sat there at table it was as if he held himself in check .
8 He stood there in front of the counter asking the price of things .
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