Example sentences of "he [verb] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
2 He got to his feet , and she could hear him coughing as he trundled out .
3 Some of the Scots around him cheered as he raised it .
4 Caitlin 's voice made him jump as he bellowed across the room : ‘ You left a young girl to walk along a dark road at night ?
5 We could hear him laughing as we closed the garden door .
6 They waited for him to elaborate as he unbuttoned the side pocket of his tunic and took out his cigarettes .
7 It slipped down again and she could hear him swearing as he tried to haul it up .
8 And then they turned to her and reminded her again how she was to handle him , no trying to make him do as she wanted , only to do as he wanted .
9 ‘ To make him do as I say , not as he thinks he should do . ’
10 Busacher indulging him , letting him do as he wished as usual … everyone treating him as the saviour of Hochhauser .
11 His arthritis made it impossible for him to walk as he had been used to doing .
12 Take him away and get him to do as he says .
13 But in Tom 's room , when Peter had poured the wine into two mugs and an inch into a glass for her and she had tasted it , she found she liked this wine that had a taste of how elderflowers smell , reversed her decision and asked him to do as he had offered and fill her glass .
14 She was near enough now to swing the basket viciously against the pickpocket 's hand , making him yell as he extracted the girl 's purse , which he dropped as he fled .
15 I could hear him sniff as he went before me .
16 We can hear him panting as he walks .
17 Mrs Healy saw him running as she looked from her bow window and knew that something must be amiss .
18 She put out a hand and felt him wince as she found his injured eye .
19 ‘ As I heard the gossip , Riddle replaced the Scapegoat in the Wheel and two witnesses heard him scream as he bowled down the hill . ’
20 If you truly feel that it is not , then it is probably some inadequacy on the part of your accuser which causes him to think as he does .
21 The garments might be placed by his hemiplegic side , if there is no risk of him falling as he reaches for them , and if he is beginning to use the hemiplegic arm .
22 I often see him watching as I go by .
23 I sat in front of him watching as he ate , my eyes following his hand from the moment his fingers plunged into the bowl until it rose into the air , and carried the food into his mouth .
24 ‘ Wumman , can ye no hold yerr head up ? ’ a tourist heard him shout as he pinned her cape , pricking her chin .
25 She drew away from him , shivering as she left the warm circle cast by his body , and heard him sigh as he raised himself up to stare down at her .
26 Shiona felt him sigh as he laid his hands on her shoulders .
27 However one explains the motives behind his actions , things happened because he chose that they should : there is nothing in the previous reign which compelled him to act as he did .
28 The report states : ‘ She knew it was not right in him to act as he did and … she knew it was not right in herself in permitting him … she knew it was wrong in both , and that it was against her will at all the tunes . ’
29 However one explains the motives behind his actions , things happened because he chose that they should : there is nothing in the previous reign which compelled him to act as he did .
30 Then the dream had shifted to show him whistling as he worked over the bins .
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