Example sentences of "he [verb] she [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She must persuade him of her good intentions — for it had never crossed her mind that she would not repay him — but she must also try to convince him of the seriousness of her situation and persuade him to grant her a bit of leeway .
2 Where we might have expected him to grant her the respect of verse , he goes on in the same business-like prose : ‘ How now , Kate ?
3 ‘ So Angy asked him to pass her a knife while she was cooking something . ’
4 She let him give her a hug , kissed him lightly .
5 Julia sat down in the chair next to David 's and let him pour her a cup of cooling tea .
6 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
7 The shameless bitch openly encouraged her young admirer 's attentions , summoning him to fetch her a drink , move the parasol , even to rub sun cream on her topless back .
8 He beat his drum under her window and she asked him to give her a rose .
9 She gets him to give her a cigarette , after she has asked to have a ‘ drag ’ on his : This in itself seems quite suggestive .
10 St Ives said it was a mercy he had n't after all approached Meredith and asked him to give her the push .
11 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
12 She would fall and make him drag her the rest of the way first .
13 She asked him to teach her the trick , but he said that she was not ready yet .
14 And she did n't want to be at odds with him , did n't want him to think her a cheat — only what were the odds on him ever believing otherwise ?
15 He wanted to know whether she would like him to make her a cup of tea or whether they might wait until his wife returned from a committee meeting .
16 He made her a bow , lighter and smaller than his , until she could shoot with it almost as well as Allen himself , though not so far because the light bow would n't carry .
17 When she stopped crying , he made her a potato man with matchsticks for legs .
18 He made her a cup of tea while she sorted the washing , closed up the cases and pushed them into the cupboard under the stairs .
19 He pecked her a kiss .
20 He passed her a letter .
21 He passed her the phone .
22 He passed her the can .
23 Pointing to the right fork , he passed her the stick .
24 He passed her the document and she read it , fast the first time , slowly the second .
25 And he passed her the list he had been looking at when she entered .
26 Then one time when he was doing some other business with the woman we called Mrs Howard , he sold her the story for a few marks .
27 Once or twice he asked her a question but it was with great effort , in a small closed-up voice , as if his throat were sewn too tight .
28 Jenna 's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he slanted her a look of dark-eyed amusement .
29 When , pulses racing in a most disturbing manner , she tried to withdraw her arm his grip tightened , and he slanted her a glance from beneath long thick lashes that held a distinct challenge .
30 When she was thrown out of her digs he found her a room in Randolph Crescent and to get her on to her feet again paid her rent for a month .
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