Example sentences of "he [verb] she [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 And no doubt now he expected her to be suitably softened up by her two days ' grieving , ready to fall back into his arms on the strength of one calculated gesture .
2 He wants her to be the top model in the world .
3 His patient , a girl whose age was uncertain — he judged her to be about fourteen or fifteen — was at the moment quiescent , her face as grey as the linen on which she lay , her eyes closed .
4 Six years ago , her own bewildering awareness of him , the way it had made her feel threatened , must have been obvious to him when his simple presence , a glance in her direction , the sound of his voice , had been enough to unnerve her ; but these days she answered back — and for some reason he was hell-bent on punishing her for what he believed her to be , humiliating her with constant reminders of his contempt .
5 He believed her to be promised to Hugh — and then there was Petula .
6 It did n't matter that she was n't in the straits he believed her to be in ; his threat was enough to chill her blood .
7 He guessed her to be worrying about money .
8 She knew he needed her to be there — a mirror for his words , his thoughts , his dark , unworded ambitions .
9 Ron Barton , who had had a word with his editor at his regular table at the Savoy Grill , had been told he could pay five thousand for an exclusive if he thought her to be worthwhile .
10 The lines of experience were marked on her face and although she still had all the exuberant charm which had drawn him to her in the first place , he thought she looked older than he knew her to be .
11 Only if he knew her to be ready to take that risk herself .
12 A matter of months later , he chose her to be his wife .
13 Appreciative though he was of Penny , ally though he felt her to be , there is between nineteen and twenty-three a great gulf fixed which prevented anything in the way of advances .
14 For years she has been complaining ‘ I never see anything of you , darling ’ and ‘ Why ca n't you spend a little more time with the family ? ’ — so naturally he expects her to be delighted to have him at home .
15 He wanted her to be interested .
16 He wanted her to be safe .
17 He was not sure which he wanted her to be and was still puzzling about it next day when she called to take him down .
18 He likes all that , the cars and people calling him Minister , but he wanted her to be the good politician 's wife , doing his entertaining .
19 He said nothing , just squeezed her arm to let her know it was all right , that he wanted her to be there as well .
20 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
21 If he wanted her to be a top model , she 'd behave like one .
22 That he wanted her to be a nuisance ?
23 Was this his way of prolonging her stay without telling her he wanted her to be there ?
24 It made her feel that he wanted her to be grateful to him for marrying her .
25 He wanted her to stay at home and look after the children as much as she did ; he wanted her to be mainly interested in them .
26 He wanted her to be a real mother , not like Lucy .
27 With growing awareness — and wariness — he had started to notice that Sandra worked at being what he wanted her to be , or at least what she presumed he wanted her to be .
28 With growing awareness — and wariness — he had started to notice that Sandra worked at being what he wanted her to be , or at least what she presumed he wanted her to be .
29 I think it started with her father , not being able to be what he wanted her to be .
30 She had the odd feeling , at times , that she was being moulded like a lump of clay into the person he wanted her to be .
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