Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hypnotists working for the police ask an individual , most commonly a witness or a victim , to imagine that he has gone back to the time of the crime .
2 He has come back with a bang , and the film of Jurassic Park opens in July , which will obviously help his sales .
3 While undergoing an operation his heart has stopped , but he has come back to life after having been declared dead and deposited in a coffin .
4 In 1856 he exhibits on his lawn a stuffed crocodile he has brought back from the East : enabling it to bask in the sun again for the first time in 3,000 years .
5 He 'd gone back into the hotel , trying to act casually , and had hovered in reception looking at the magazines in the hardcovers , watching the man explaining to the people in the hut and coming back inside , which confirmed Cormack 's suspicions .
6 He 'd gone back to his stew , and silence .
7 He liked his porter , but if he 'd gone back to the stable …
8 If he 'd gone back to Zimbala it would have brought disgrace on the family .
9 ‘ … but , with their parents in hospital , I feel any such move would be counter-productive , ’ he 'd added curtly , dismissing the subject as he 'd turned back to the pile of papers in front of him .
10 He 'd begun back in the fifties as a prison officer .
11 She 'd assumed he 'd driven back to London , but maybe he had n't .
12 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
13 Sometimes I imagined that he 'd sneaked back into the country and was leading another life .
14 He 'd stayed there ( ‘ in Didcart ’ ) much longer than he 'd intended ; and when finally he tore himself away from the Cornish Riviera and the Torbay Express he 'd walked back to Didcot Parkway Station at about five o'clock , and caught the next train back to Oxford , where he 'd , er , where he 'd had a quick drink in the Station Buffet .
15 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
16 Surprising that he 'd talked back to them , yes .
17 ‘ If you remember the scene , a Voord is fighting with Ian when he gets thrown back against a wall .
18 And every road he chose led back to Rome ,
19 He had travelled back to Keswick with her even though it had not been his previous intention to do so .
20 He was told to imagine that he had travelled back in time to the afternoon of the abduction and was watching the events unfold on a television documentary .
21 She quoted him : on one occasion when the Princess had waved him away , pleading a cold , he had breathed back at her , ‘ It would be a privilege to catch a cold of yours . ’
22 He had run back to his patrol car and followed the Sierra , containing two men , catching it near the village of Burton Salmon .
23 He had turned back to Rodriguez .
24 Turning down offers of work , Crawford took a rest after six exhausting years , during which he had bounced back from his film disappointments to become one of Britain 's top television and stage stars .
25 The Chancellor had left Blackpool late on Monday night , after addressing party agents , but conference jitters were so great that his unexpected disappearance prompted rumours that he had gone back to London for crisis talks .
26 Joe was trying to be bright and cheerful , but there was a deep undercurrent of sadness , and later , when he had gone back to his office , Dana said : ‘ I think he 's terribly lonely . ’
27 He had gone back to Britain after leaving the holding camp in Japan .
28 Later we learned that he had gone back to London and given a mischievous account of our conversation in literary circles , and we were ‘ very much blamed ’ .
29 Bewildered and hurt at her lack of interest , too shy to ask what the trouble was , he had gone back to the garage completely mystified , and had spent the rest of the evening painting his jalopy electric blue .
30 He had gone back to those .
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