Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 He was an experienced member of a well-drilled team , but was killed when he became tangled up with a colleague .
2 Then he was made redundant and started an apprenticeship in his father 's trade of toolmaking — until he got fed up with it .
3 VENTRILOQUIST Mike Dennett had a drink too many after he got fed up with listening to his wife Gladys .
4 He does not see himself as having sold out ; he says he got fed up with magazine editors wanting throwaway images .
5 Collects them and then he started pulling their heads off when he got fed up with them .
6 Yes and er my mother was frightened to death of guns because , oh he was a bit of a boy at heart I mean you can just imagine everybody used to bring the sporting guns to be repaired and there was guns floating about all over the place , and my mother was scared stiff of guns right till the time she died er , and he got mixed up with all these sporting connections you know like go off to shoots and various things and I think he did a bit of cock fighting in his day as well , but I 've , I 've got the exercise books that his two brothers .
7 Oh he 's terrible there , he even had them he had young girls working for him up there , and they found out they were paying he was paying them too little and then he got caught up with 'em , and erm what he done after he charged for taking them up there in the morning and charged 'em for taking them down in the evening with a Land Rover .
8 It ca n't be any coincidence that the women he has gone out with have been typical English roses with titles , and the Duchess tops the lot .
9 ‘ I just ca n't watch myself , ’ he said in Santander yesterday where he has joined up with the England team to watch tonight 's match against Spain .
10 His modest apology for tardiness in producing this volume is unnecessary in any terms , considering the magnitude of his task , and when in addition one realises that he has pressed on with the completion of the work during his convalescence from a serious illness , it is clear that his apology should be replaced by the public 's commendation .
11 To supplement work-outs , he has come up with a global best-practices programme .
12 He has come back with a bang , and the film of Jurassic Park opens in July , which will obviously help his sales .
13 It is a hobby he has taken up with two main aims in mind : ‘ Firstly , it keeps my hand in as far as manufacturing is concerned and secondly I like to see this small bit of entrepreneuralism on my doorstep .
14 He a attended courses , and on a couple of occasions he 'd travelled down with another officer to collect prisoners .
15 Harper told the court he 'd gone out with both Becky and Emma in the 6 months he knew them .
16 I mean , if he 'd gone off with a humped-back , three legged dwarf I would have felt pretty unattractive .
17 I 'll never even dare to be successful , because when I 'm dead some clod with a thesis to write will put me down as a wild-eyed harridan who jumped on her lover in the street and pulled all his hair out because he 'd gone off with a person with webbed feet .
18 It would n't be so bad if he 'd gone off with a beauty , but I 'm damned if I 'll form part of a collection which includes someone bandy . ’
19 no did n't like how he grouted it because she said there , things like a little nick in the tile , if he 'd gone in with the grouting it would n't of shown any and he did n't
20 Apparently he 'd fixed up with the travel agency which handled Dalgety 's bookings for you to join him at all the Grands Prix . ’
21 He 'd met up with a marvellous girl in Munster , anyway ; then a fully consenting Hausfrau from Hamburg … and so it had gone on .
22 She 'd hoped Bernard would grow up to be a priest : now he 'd taken up with a woman .
23 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
24 He reckoned he 'd a right to nice things the same as this bad company he 'd got in with .
25 He 'd got in with the punks and seen immediately what they were doing , what a renaissance this was in music .
26 If he gets fed up with it he 'll just stop and we wo n't mind .
27 The flare of hatred vanished , to be replaced by the now familiar wave of misery that had descended on him when he had broken up with Suzi .
28 Charles had long been interested in architecture — he had grown up with beautiful buildings and visited hundreds more all over the world ; he had read extensively on the subject and , by the very nature of the job , had seen a multitude of buildings , especially in the inner cities , that not only looked ghastly , but that people clearly found ghastly to live in .
29 He had grown up with a love of the countryside .
30 Helping to save life was an idea he felt he had grown up with .
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