Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cadfael shepherded his charge within , and watched him subside gratefully on to the narrow cot , and sit there mute for a moment , laying his burden down beside him with a kind of caressing gentleness .
2 ‘ That 's the Dalestour , Sundays only into North Yorkshire , ’ the driver said as he passed hurriedly on to the next customer .
3 Intrigued , he moved forward on to the balcony and peered down cautiously .
4 He wandered aimlessly on from one squalid street to another .
5 He took the wheel after that and drove at a furious speed back to San José , where he turned right on to the Pan-Am .
6 He turned sharply on to his back .
7 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
8 He struggled painfully on to one elbow , guarding his hands , and she put the tankard to his lips .
9 Leith opened her mouth to interrupt , but he went straight on without pause .
10 so anyway he went right on until the Saturday and he said look , on the Friday they called us in and they said look we 're gon na take him to the ward I 'm afraid there 's nothing else we can do , just deteriorating and he said there 's no
11 The slaves swung the axes low , with one accord , and the boy 's feet were cut from his legs , so that he fell suddenly on to bleeding stumps of leg .
12 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
13 He held desperately on to her arm .
14 ‘ Russell 's daughter , ’ he tacked softly on at the end .
15 In reply , Cabochon 's body heaved and he vomited copiously on to the floor .
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