Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 Gina forced him to staple it to the living-room wall behind the settee and opposite the television .
2 I might just as well ask him to drive me to the nearest station .
3 However , she allowed him to squire her to the desk , without comment and with a straight face , told him the number of her key , though keys were almost an affectation at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , more for ornament than use , and let him take it down for her and escort her to the foot of the oak staircase , which wound in slightly drunken lurches about a narrow well , the polished treads hollowed by centuries of use .
4 Numbly Rory allowed him to lead her to the dance floor , moving automatically into his arms as though she 'd always belonged there .
5 Rachel 's pulses thundered as she allowed him to lead her to the dance-floor beneath the flashing lights .
6 Rachel allowed him to lead her to the dance-floor , but his callous dismissal of the unfortunate Domino was symptomatic of the kind of man he was .
7 It protested at once , so she let him carry her to the living-room .
8 When Nigel was at home , Gina usually made him take them to the Launderette in a black dust bag .
9 She would n't let him take her to the Aber House Hotel .
10 He 's a nice boy , ’ she said tolerantly , and a shade absurdly in view of the fact that she was perhaps two years his senior , ‘ but somehow I do n't see him making it to the top .
11 Eventually I interrupted the diatribe to point out that I was paying him to take me to the newspaper , not for his opinions about it .
12 Their findings disturbed the High Loremaster sufficiently for him to take them to the Phoenix King .
13 They were still close enough to shore for him to return her to the police if she admitted she was not an experienced ocean sailor .
14 If the Hon. Gentleman has suggestions , I advise him to bring them to the attention of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee .
15 He spurred forward to Moray 's side , urging him to bring him to the Regent , earls or none .
16 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
17 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
18 She did n't want him following her to the bedroom .
19 Berger said : ‘ He made it to the first corner ahead of me and I tried to hang on .
20 Neville 's determination paid off : he made it to the top , raising £55,000 on the way .
21 His ‘ act as if you own the place ’ approach seemed to work , and he made it to the double doors that opened into the main tunnel complex , not even pausing as he attached a circuit board to a second brick and casually tossed it into the heart of the pile of drums on the dock nearby .
22 Juliet stood staring at him as he made it to the kitchen chair .
23 She knew how Sisyphus must have felt , rolling that stone wearily up the hill , only to see it slide back down again as he made it to the top .
24 He made it to the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth . ’
25 In competition with 800 other boys , he made it to the last five , but nerves got the better of him during a final audition at the Criterion Theatre , in London 's West End .
26 When the crackle of the flames , the creak of the floorboard , and the weight of their bodies returned , he lowered her to the carpet before the fire and sat himself beside her , leaning so that his face was only inches above hers .
27 With a groan he lowered her to the quilt and brought his head down .
28 Then he lowered her to the ground and shifted over her , and for a second it was like it had been before and fear touched her , but then his lips came down and brushed her mouth , and she was lost .
29 Angry Brian Reatus , 44 , allegedly foamed at the mouth as he pinned him to the wall .
30 Mr Woodcock , 47 , of Holgate , York , grabbed the weapon with one hand and it went off , blasting a wall with pellets , but he hung on , dragging the raider into the car park outside the restaurant , where he pinned him to the ground until armed police arrived .
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