Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where an assistant solicitor 's employment came to an end on the dissolution of the firm , such dissolution was held to constitute a breach of his contract of employment such that the restrictive covenants imposed on him ceased to be enforceable — see Briggs v Oates [ 1990 ] ICR 473 .
2 So over-blessed a nature must bring a man either to a throne or a grave before ever he lived to be old .
3 But would he want to be contactable by his office or clients en route ?
4 His distrust of the king was such that he had recently refused to attend or to do so without a large and menacing retinue ; now he agreed to be present and to keep the peace , while the bishops guaranteed his safety .
5 Noverre 's second category comprised those dancers whom he expected to be technical perfectionists .
6 Perhaps he ceased to be useful to her once she 'd had some success in England — I do n't know .
7 However , the brutal application of the new land collectivisation programme in the north must be ascribed in part to Ho Chi Minh , even though he ceased to be prime Minister in August 1955 .
8 She loved fantasising about being his wife , wearing big hats , being chauffeur-driven and waltzing through the door of Number 10 if he got to be Prime Minister .
9 Erm but this is more or less , indigenous within the engineering industry , there is even inherent within an engineering mind , and I 'm not with the planners or the technical experts , but even in the ordinary lay engineer , he looks to be able to do the job more efficiently , with the materials that he has in hand er and possibly introduce a new type of tool if he can get the proper material , and likewise the employer was doing the same thing .
10 He tried to be nice about it , but it was fairly obvious he did n't want me any more ; and truthfully , I did n't want him any more either , except in so far that I could n't bear that it should all have been for nothing — worse than nothing .
11 He tried to be nice to me but something rebelled inside me .
12 Dexter always irritated Blanche when he tried to be clever when she was tired .
13 The exhilaration soon faded upon checking his fuel state , which he found to be low .
14 Rhee therefore failed to secure the definite promises of American support that he deemed to be essential .
15 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
16 He has to be sure of me .
17 Tennis star Boris Becker , who says he has to be happy to win , trains with girlfriend Barbara Feltus in Phuket , Thailand .
18 He has to be able to sit upright in his chair using his trunk muscles , without pulling or pushing himself up using his unaffected arm .
19 He has to be able to reduce the tension ( technically tonus ) in his muscles before he can make controlled movements .
20 he has to be able to sudden changes in the game 's pattern , for a single lack of judgment is likely to be more decisive than in the longer game .
21 Schofield has already had cause to caution Montgomerie — in 1991 — and yesterday he said : ‘ He is a fine golfer and is clearly going to be a major figure in the game for as long as he remains active in it , but he has to be able to take it on the chin .
22 He has to be careful to judge the pressure properly otherwise the whole thing could quite easily go up .
23 But he has to be careful not to be the black sheep of the family .
24 One important goal for the patient is walking , but he has to be ready before he tries .
25 ‘ Everything around playing has to be organised very carefully and he has to be mature in choosing the right time to play off the court .
26 Pearce believes a professional manager can be equally successful at running a variety of companies , but he needs to be selective about the switches he makes .
27 Nowadays a chief executive has to have a strong understanding of finance , he needs to be good at public relations , he must understand technology , he must be able to cope with labour problems and he must ( as always ) be a good selector of people .
28 In Heseltine 's case , it must already be approaching the danger level ; he needs to be vigilant that nothing he says or does reinforces it .
29 He needs to be aware of the social reasons pulling at ordinary people , the conditions of work in an industrial society , the nature of a people 's amusements .
30 There may be areas of the garden which are specially suitable for the patient to work in : he needs to be able to reach the soil with his hands or tools without risking scratching himself on thorny plants or hitting his head or eyes on jutting or overhanging branches .
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