Example sentences of "he [verb] [noun] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In January 1801 he wrote to Charles James Fox , the Leader of the Whig Opposition , enclosing the two volumes of Lyrical Ballads , and asking him to read Michael and The Brothers , not for their poetic merit but because they illustrate ‘ the weakening of the bonds of domestic feeling among the poor ’ .
2 It 's alright him having breakfast and an hour later saying mum I want me dinner .
3 Peter Wharton , charged with protecting the magician puppet , said : ‘ Sooty bears out the old truism that life begins at 40 1992 will see him gain legs and a new Nineties image .
4 We need more people like him to bring pleasure and a happy friendly atmosphere to everyone visiting Liverpool , and to raise cash not only to the Newborn Baby Appeal , but to any other charity he chooses .
5 Benn was eager to get the taste of American boxing before he met Watson and the urge to find new experience brought the break , sad but needed , from the trainer who had brought him through from his amateur days , Brian Lynch .
6 Benn was eager to get the taste of American boxing before he met Watson and the urge to find new experience brought the break , sad but needed , from the trainer who had brought him through from his amateur days , Brian Lynch .
7 He offers Conservatives and the public at large a picture of equal opportunity for all .
8 In December at his lodgings in New College Street he shared LSD and a little champagne with his friends , James Merino on the left and Dominique Debastarrechea , here wearing the hat .
9 Right so Nick first , he represents biology and the future and you 've probably got all these things .
10 He receives £750 and a magnum of champagne .
11 Therefore , in history it is not nature and technology which makes human society but it is man himself , who in terms of his already existing ideas and values , makes his own history , as he encounters nature and the problems it poses .
12 He has ability and a good attitude . ’
13 According to these sources , the Pope and the Secretariat of State intend to push for a firm public commitment to legalisation by Mr Gorbachev when he visits Italy and the Vatican at the end of November .
14 He changed overlays and a schematic map came on the screen .
15 ‘ I 'm going about , ’ he told Miguelito but the little man had danced his way forward .
16 He describes Fangorn and the last march of the Ents : was it ‘ fruitless ’ ?
17 He did n't want his joint to get a bad name , so he hired Rico and the Battler to shift the body somewhere else .
18 Mr Thomas , of the Bungalow Store , Stratford Road , Hartlepool , said he believed Jackie and a 16-year-old paperboy who she ran to for help had handled the situation well .
19 Among them he includes Drucker and the 1920s ' Boston pioneer of human relations in industry , Mary Parker Follett .
20 He credits Gwen and the Lovejoy series for rescuing him from a wasted life of bed-hopping , booze and drugs .
21 As an active supporter of the ‘ Irish cause ’ he hated Britain and the British .
22 Certainly he hated Robespierre and the Jacobins , and his subsequent disillusionment with the course of the Revolution makes sense if he is seen as an exiled Girondin .
23 As she passed Pascoe he pressed play and a voice whispered ‘ … dead . ’
24 Towards the end of January 1931 he released Gandhi and the other leaders .
25 He despises emotion and the imagination , and believes only in Facts .
26 He addressed Congress and a vast television audience with a Hollywood tear-jerker speech about his fifty-two years service , now ended .
27 He ordered wine and an assortment of pre-dinner tapas and then gave her his attention again .
28 He was about to step across to the darkness of the recess and Lily 's room when he heard footsteps and the sound of voices below him in the tiled entrance hall .
29 He arranged bridging-loans and a mortgage to make up the price of the tall house with the basement into which she had decided he should move as a lodger , abandoning his awful little bed-sit in Chepstow Road .
30 He bred horses and the idea of a coincidence was too much to swallow .
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