Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He has spent time in South Africa and has a tremendous admiration for their game .
2 But I got talking to one of them and he told me he 'd just come out of prison where he 'd done time for soliciting .
3 Maybe he 'd spent time in the States .
4 Charlie was a cockney by birth but he 'd spent time in New York .
5 In the office , like a typical Cancerian , he seemed to have time for just one thing .
6 He preferred to spend time in the school library .
7 They passed two landings , Gordon following her with majestic tread , but faster than one might expect , since although he had lost time in hanging up his raincoat in the hall , he reached the door first , and opened it without any kind of announcement , and Edward was standing , with his back to them at first , thinner and smaller than she remembered , but then she always made the mistake when she had n't seen him for a bit — he turned round , protesting , and it was Edward .
8 He had to meet Martin at four o'clock and he had to kill time till then .
9 His career had gone into an ignominious period following his deposition and he had spent time in prison in Kansas , fought bulls in Barcelona , performed stunts in circuses , played ‘ Othello ’ across the country and even boxed all-comers in exhibitions at the age of 68 years .
10 He 'd had ninety-one previous convictions , but was released because he had spent time in jail on remand .
11 His parents had feared something dreadful would happen if he continued to spend time with Tommy — they had feared he would get involved in stealing .
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