Example sentences of "he [modal v] go [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He ought to go to Sanderstown right away and have an operation for arthrodesis by a proper orthopaedic surgeon . ’
2 Which is also why I feel that he ought to go to Ironcrest as well .
3 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
4 And er and she said he enjoys it and he goes to playgroup I think he must go to Dennington playgroup cos he 's going to Dennington school , and he enjoys sitting down and being , likes looking at books and he 's started writing and she said actually she said I 'm really panicking because I 'm frightened that I might be teaching him wrong and that I 'm I said well why do n't you pop in and have a word at the school ?
5 He tells me there 's no work for him in Amantani , certainly not for the whole year , and he must go to Puno .
6 William , who was already bored by court life in London and still found spoken English hard to follow , decided he must go to Ireland and take command in person .
7 The painter told Marama that if he wanted to live he must go to Rarotonga and receive treatment .
8 Bill knows he must go to John 's now and explain why he could n't take them to Disneyland , clear it all up before John dies .
9 He must go to Bavduin , to be reunited with his knightly comrades . ’
10 But the , well we should have the forms in completed today and in the post today but I think he 'll go to Northgate .
11 Maybe he 'll go to Novell and gracefully steal away at the opportune moment .
12 He 's in the sixth form , working for his A-levels , and they reckon he might go to Oxford . ’
13 Michelle is now in the , second and then erm , he might go to Switzerland to study .
14 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
15 He could go to Ireland and join up with the Republican Army , and carry on the fight his father … no , not his father , but the man he loved as a father … had started .
16 He could go to Caroline 's psychiatrist friend .
17 " I had a sort of fantasy he 'd go to Mrs Africa 's and I 'd go there after him and so would you and we 'd meet . "
18 He had a horse and cart and he 'd go to Norwich and bring home all the parcels and that for all the tradesmen here in Bungay .
19 He goes to a school in the Tene Valley , it 's a teacher that , he used to go to Exeter school and the teacher 's opened her own school and , only for lo a small time and then she 's opening up actually in Exeter but this is an in between and she 's a very good teacher !
20 And the old lady when he was out like that , before and he used to go to Framlingham carrying the bags and such like , and then deliver , come back poor old boy !
21 He used to go along Great Homer Street and used to get the fellers lined up — challenge anybody .
22 As soon as the meal was over Tony said he would go for Sarah .
23 If it came to a straight choice between a dolphin and Henry ( and in Henry 's view things had already got that serious ) he would go for Henry every time .
24 He would go to Maggie 's home but would n't spend the night , although frequently invited to do so .
25 He would go to Ray 's house for dinner .
26 One of these was that he would go to India only ‘ at the open invitation of the Indian parties ’ .
27 He would go to Palestine with the others leaving the community .
28 One day he might patronise Hickey 's , beside Mr Flood ; other days he would go to Carroll 's , immediately next door to Hogan 's .
29 He would go to Famagusta , where he thought his Genoese friends would help him .
30 He had also promised Mr Harvey that he would go to Maythorpe House and make sure that all was being kept in order there .
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