Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Part of him would have been sorry to hear that she had been shot , or sentenced to a long term of imprisonment in the filth of an Austrian gaol .
2 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
3 If only Morpurgo had been a less thoroughbred specimen the contrast with what had subsequently overtaken him would have been easier to accept .
4 For surely he ought to have been able to explain to Colonel Hope , to persuade Colonel Hope , to arrive at a gentlemanly agreement — and what precisely had Colonel Hope said ?
5 ‘ Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
6 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
7 I note that the hon. Gentleman did not take this ideal opportunity to deny that he may have been involved in the passing to the press of a bogus document about the alleged future of InterCity .
8 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
9 He may have been married before : a Johanna ( Joan ) Plummer was a member of the London confraternity of St Nicholas or guild of parish clerks at the same time as himself , and died in 1457 .
10 Would it be fair to say that you accepted his decision when you thought it was the right decision , regardless of whether he may have been depressed or he may have been under the influence of drugs or some other pressure ?
11 More than twenty years ago , the archivist Emmison tried to convey to teachers what he felt to be the special qualities of an original document : The original document is in a sense more real than any text book can hope to be ; for the writer , though he may have been misguided , biased or mistaken , at least lived through the events of which he speaks ; and whatever his shortcomings , he was in certain respects better informed about the times and conditions in which he lived than is the interpreter writing two or three hundred years afterwards .
12 He may have been pleased to get the job — but he was only shot into the spot in order to stand up for good , Christian , family values and to restore party morale in Cecil 's wake .
13 He may have been right , in his day .
14 He may have been unusual , but that would lie in the range of his talents rather than in possessing any individual one of them .
15 But on closer examination he was forced to admit even he may have been wrong , and he demanded that the PWL stable looked after its young charges Kylie and Jason and prevented them from destroying their lives .
16 He has been taking medication and it is believed he may have been able to hide some of the drug .
17 He may have been prepared to accept from Anselm a call for restraint which he would have taken from no one else .
18 He may have been dependent on me for the time being for his physical well-being , but at the deepest level he was dependent on Montaine .
19 This account of the treaty may , as Florence claims , have been a lie , but it , or something like it , could well have been what Cnut preferred people to believe , for he may have been aware that it had not been unusual within the West Saxon dynasty for brother to follow brother : it was the succession of King Æthelwulf 's sons in turn which brought Alfred to the throne in 871 , despite the fact that his brother Æthelred I had male issue .
20 It is becoming clear how important was Eorcenwald 's role in the evolution of the diplomatic form of early Anglo-Saxon charters in the 680s and thereafter ; indeed he may have been responsible for drafting Caedwalla 's charter to Farnham .
21 I think he may have been responsible for her unhappiness .
22 He may have been reluctant to give up a conquest of his illustrious forbear , Julius Caesar .
23 Where he found the energy — Anyway , this poor child , only nineteen she was ( he should 've been ashamed of himself and him a man of forty ) — if she 'd only come to me at the start !
24 Perhaps , as Cliff Bastin remarked , ‘ He should have been prime minister . ’
25 He had been rash when he should have been circumspect .
26 She was too young to be away from home ; he should have been sure of her company for a few more years yet .
27 He should have been tough enough to take Cottee 's criticisms on the chin without flinching .
28 He had been dealing with human nature all his life ; he should have been able to recognise the symptoms before now .
29 She reminded herself that it was not Paul 's fault ; and yet , somehow , he should have been able to shield her from this kind of outrage .
30 He should have been able to see it sooner , see it instantly .
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