Example sentences of "he [be] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any'ow my Billy ai n't got much , an' what 'e 'as got 'e 's keepin' it fer 'imself . ’
2 The politicians around him are encouraging him in his insistence on the levy because they want to stop Patros . ’
3 Has he been having anything on the side ? ’
4 His exclamation endorsed her suspicion , but why should he be regarding her with such a look of furious triumph on his face ?
5 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
6 He felt precisely as if he were hiding something from her .
7 The name was spoken with a malevolent hiss , as though he were spitting it from his blood-smeared mouth , so hateful was its foul taste to him .
8 There used to be a cafe , a cute ; the er you used to go in and have a cup of tea and that and yo , he started selling jam , pots of jam with they had him in court , it was er it had fell off a lorry and he was selling it a bit cheap and er he were telling us about it .
9 I 've moved that , I moved that so he did n't knock it over cos he were knocking it with his tail .
10 Such a touching story , Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall — ’ and he spoke her name as though he were striking her with it ‘ — and all a lie .
11 Johnny 's words had left her feeling inadequate , as though he were presenting her with some enormous challenge which she did not feel equal to meet .
12 There is a certain grudging margin , to be sure , about all that Mr Eliot writes — as if he were compensating himself for his limitations by a peevish assumption of superiority .
13 He is warning me about my death , ’ Alexander announced quietly , ‘ Violent and soon to happen ! ’
14 In such a case the judge is not abusing his powers ; he is exercising them to the best of his ability albeit some other court thinks he was mistaken .
15 He is using them like puppets .
16 More likely he is using it in the more everyday usage of ‘ not sent or guided in any special direction ; having no definite aim or purpose ’ ( OED ) , which suggests that any such view of history must have no end , and therefore no teleology .
17 He is reminding us of the way we are coming to the Lord .
18 He is seeing her off the premises at this minute . ’
19 When the doctors broke it to him that he would need an operation , his son noted that ‘ he is taking it like a hero . ’
20 He is taking us on an interesting excursion ,
21 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
22 He is telling us about the new initiatives
23 But there are signs that he is distancing himself from the UN .
24 He is easing himself into his part , into an American voice .
25 Another shows the converse , a humanoid god standing between two daemons : he is mastering them by grasping their tongues .
26 ‘ I think , ’ said Mr Malik , cheerfully , ‘ he is sentencing you to death . ’
27 How if he is sending you with a bait to bring Owen to his death under cover of a parley , as the king 's council urged ?
28 ‘ I sometimes wonder if he is watching me through it . ’
29 In the immediate context of The Possessed Kirillov delights even while he is dismaying us by pushing theory — the novel 's Paper Person motif , that is — to the very limit , the born gambler 's limit .
30 I take that as the hon. Gentleman 's first spending commitment , except that he is making it on behalf of employers and businesses .
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