Example sentences of "he [be] [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the house next to where I lived with him was another married woman .
2 If it 's true and he is alive where has he been all this time ?
3 Where had he been all this time , that she should see him now being led prisoner into Parfois ?
4 Indeed , had he been some eight years older , he would have been born a subject of the pope — but the Piedmontese put an end to that possibility when they invaded Rome in 1870 .
5 Mrs Crumwallis was peering at Bill Muggeridge as if he were some little-known species of the rhinoceros family , and she needed to consult the label on his cage to be sure of his name .
6 Then , of course , there were the Bruces , Lord Bruce who should be preparing himself for death instead of being involved in politics as if he were some young courtier intent on rising as fast and as far as he could .
7 Now she saw him , standing on the pavement outside the church , holding his thumb out to her and grinning beseechingly as though he were some hopeful teenager off on the hippy trail .
8 He is that rare bird , the night-owl who likes talking without the prop of a strong drink in his hands .
9 He is that rare thing , a chap who 's made a hit by being passive .
10 He is that eight-year-old boy .
11 He is that disdainful sort of ‘ artist ’ who is gaunt and fine-featured and born to be better .
12 Now he is half that weight .
13 ( He is another former Head of the Prime Minister 's policy Unit and a key figure in the Institute of Directors . )
14 He 's such good company .
15 He 's such good fun , and I knew you 'd like him . ’
16 whatever his name is , he 's that big fat opera singer .
17 ‘ Even if you take the example of the Western , and key Western icons like Clint Eastwood , ’ Wood says , ‘ you can see the films responding to social attitudes in the movement from the early spaghetti westerns to last year 's Unforgiven , where you still have the recognisable Clint Eastwood character , but he 's much more complex , more uncertain about things — about killing , about his motives , the whole notion of what constitutes a hero . ’
18 He 's this Welsh twit on the right
19 He was much more content now , though melancholy about himself and what he 'd come to .
20 He was much more intent on maintaining public order .
21 More important , my father had learned the theory as well as the practice of ‘ wireless telephony ’ , so he was that rare individual , a man who could offer practical advice on how best to use the components he bought from Marconi 's , Cossor , Edison-Swan , Oldham Batteries and other suppliers .
22 He was that rare person .
23 This abiding feature of God 's mischief got a certain Jesus of Nazareth into deep trouble , for he was that same generosity incarnate .
24 He was such great fun when we met , then suddenly it all changed .
25 Not just for the kite , but because he was such hard work .
26 He was all large bones and muscle .
27 ‘ I never said he was any such thing .
28 Oh , God , I bet he was some married creep who did n't want to know .
29 For a moment he let himself imagine he was some great explorer about to enter a hostile , unknown land on which his name would later be stamped for all history .
30 He was some three shots clear of the field standing on the 14th tee , but then lost this advantage after he recorded a double-bogey and two bogeys in the last six holes .
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