Example sentences of "he [conj] she [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She was surprised to find that she was not at all self-conscious with him and she moved to nestle comfortably against him when he rolled away from her and propped himself up on the pillows .
2 He held her to him and she started to weep hysterically .
3 There was something mysterious about him and she wanted to ask so many questions , but he had that locked-in look , so that even if she risked Salt 's caustic tongue and asked outright about how he 'd come to be a slave , what it was like in Jamaica , if Africa was full of cannibals and if he 'd eaten people , she 'd probably get no more than a few shrugs for answers .
4 She still would have gone to him if she had to crawl .
5 If she wants a particular toy that is n't hers , explain that it belongs to Jamie and she must ask him if she wants to play with it .
6 The widowed queen was granted Stirling castle as a residence , but when she tried to take her son there the Keeper of Edinburgh Castle held on to him until she contrived to smuggle him out .
7 Oh right , I 'll and then she 's moaning at him cos she wants to go and post it and you were mucking about with your C D thing or something and you were saying wait for me I 'll do this then I 'll miss the post .
8 She had lied to him because she wished to evade the unpleasant truth of her life as a rich heiress , to try to make a new life free of old ties and old mistakes , where she would be loved as McAllister , who had nothing .
9 She believed in him because she needed to believe .
10 Irina , his half-sister and the daughter of Turakina by his father , was kneeling intently on a cushion behind him while she attempted to dress his hair Yek style .
11 The lift they entered was crowded , forcing them to stand close together , the brush of Luke 's jacket sleeve against her bare arm adding to the difficulty of trying to sort out what she was going to say to him before she agreed to get into the car with him .
12 Supporting her with his right arm , his left hand strayed from her breasts to her thigh , and from there slowly completed the journey to the mouth of the Cave of Sweet Mysteries , lingering long enough to find the little temple of Min and arouse him as she began to gasp for breath , her tongue making passionate sallies into his ear .
13 ‘ I thought I 'd left that behind , ’ she murmured to him as she began to mount the stairs .
14 Her eyes blazed back at him as she fought to contain her inner excitement .
15 He had talked her into ringing him when she wanted to come home so that he could pick her up , make sure she was safe .
16 How could she keep resisting him when she turned to fire under his powerful gaze , let alone his touch ?
17 If he or she undertakes to make a part of his or her income over to a charity for four years or more , the tax the individual pays on that income is given by the tax authorities to the charity concerned .
18 When a bather wanted more hot water , he or she had to shout over the noise of filling baths and protesting bathers and the Duchesse singing , and depending on how this eccen-tric woman felt , she would either top up the water from a source outside the cubicles or tell the bather his time was up .
19 However , if he or she decides to evolve a new style of weight control , and aims for a slow and steady loss , the weight is more likely to stay off .
20 The Metropolitan Police says that it and other forces have increased ‘ sector ’ policing — putting an office in charge of a small area where he or she gets to know everyone .
21 Hence , whether a child is placed with a foster family or in residential care may not so much depend on the child 's needs but on where he or she happens to live .
22 At the moment it is the ultimate loser who pays the costs even if he or she happens to have won at first instance and in the Court of Appeal .
23 This duty means for example that a solicitor must always tell the client of anything he or she happens to know which might prejudice a client 's case .
24 This duty means for example that a solicitor must always tell the client of anything he or she happens to know which might prejudice a client 's case .
25 This duty means for example that a solicitor must always tell the client of anything he or she happens to know which might prejudice a client 's case .
26 This duty means for example that a solicitor must always tell the client of anything he or she happens to know which might prejudice a client 's case .
27 Not taking on more work yourself in order to take over financial responsibility from the primary sufferer while he or she continues to drink .
28 Does the Minister acknowledge that when we had a domestic rating system almost every citizen in the land made sure that he or she registered to vote ?
29 Unix now provides the user with access based upon the least privileges he or she requires to carry out their tasks .
30 Any client being assessed for need must receive an honest professional judgement as to the services he or she requires to live decently ‘ in the community ’ , whether in their own home or in some form of residential accommodation .
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