Example sentences of "for our [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Designed for our members in association with Barclays , the RAC MasterCard is the ideal complement to your RAC membership .
2 It was found among a collection of magazines , news-sheets and leaflets which were sent to us by one of the researchers for our archives on feminism in the 20th century .
3 I do n't think we Americans are particularly known for our sense of humility .
4 But then the good old American public elected Nixon so here you had Al Capone in the White House and these same political scientists wrote books saying hey hang on , when we said more power to the president we meant more power for our kind of president , you know , Jack , you know , and L B J and the boys , not this Nixon , Tricky Dicky character .
5 The Mergers and Acquisitions unit 's operational mandate , as set out in the corporate finance manual , requires approval for our involvement as lead advisers in the public arena .
6 And to rub salt into the wounds , we will have to pay more for our electricity in order to subsidise nuclear and deep mined coal .
7 We gain little from minute attention to the manufacturers ' congratulations for our choice of car , or from the swearing-in in court , and , on a first reading of a novel , it may be more important to follow those parts which forward the plot than those which set the scene .
8 CW reported that the site licence for Anti-Virus Toolkit for our size of site would cost in the region of £1200 .
9 As the constitutional authorities gradually detach themselves from wholehearted support for our system of democracy so they envisage the judges assuming a role of extended significance in defending liberty and in checking what they regard as the misuse of political power .
10 Of broader importance , since not every non-Tory voter seeks a Labour government , are the implications of the election result for our system of democracy .
11 We should look for our defense of integrity in the neighbourhood of fraternity or , to use its more fashionable name , community .
12 Thank you for our breakfast on mummy 's birthday .
13 Along with many others they have all been doing their bit for our Decade of Evangelisation .
14 He calls for our bills in Spanish .
15 So the simple question whether the primatial claim depended in any degree on forgery , is important for our assessment of Lanfranc , but crucial for our assessment of Anselm .
16 ‘ He is waiting for our horses to shit ! ’ he exclaimed .
17 So the arrival and use of relational databases has been absolutely perfect for our approach to development of accounting systems .
18 Well , A , this would be an economical and elegant way for our knowledge of language to be organized .
19 No , but it be beneficial if it 's Comet and the receipt came back for our insurance from Comet erm
20 I have not yet been given any reason for our lack of success on this occasion , and I do not yet know which were the successful applicants .
21 ‘ We were criticised in '91 for our lack of marketing expertise … that was both a disappointment and a learning experience ’ , reflected Rowlands in Catania .
22 The persistent tendency to cover up for our lack of effectiveness by using vague language must be strongly resisted .
23 The construct chain in line A is open to many interpretations , but the phrase a highway for our God' in line B is unambiguous : it must mean a road for Yahweh to wall : along-just as a " highway for the remnant of his people " in Isa 11.16 , and a " way for the redeemed to pass over " in 51.10 are paths for Israel to wall : on .
24 Rolle suggests that this is begun in thought of the four last things : death , for " we lyve bot in a poynt " in " uncertente of owre endyng " ; judgement , when we account for our use of time " and ilk tyme we thynk not on God , we may cownt it als we have tynt " ( 4.95.19 – 22 , 38 – 9 ) ; heaven , the joy which is " mare any may tell " ; and hell , where also is burning in fire ( 4.96.46 – 7 , 54 ) .
25 I have appended a letter which you sent to us last year kindly offering CPRW £500 of B&I Travel Vouchers for our use in fund raising .
26 the German Er secondly there there was a golden opportunity for our apprentices in industry to go and see German industry and French industry .
27 unalterable conviction in favour of the adoption for our Palace of Administration of the revived national style — a style so characteristic of our own age it is beginning to be called Victorian — we protest against being obliged to tolerate an effete Palladian or mongrel Renaissance architecture to please those who wish to claim the merit of a breadth of view and of artistic sympathy by denying that they have any prejudices on the subject , one way or the other .
28 We know enough to know that these things are not good for our life support system or for our quality of life , and that our activities have damaging effects on our wildlife .
29 ‘ Who paid for our page in Variety ? ’ inquired Jo .
30 Foxes , stoats , weasels and other predators are all happy to get a proportion of their diet off the rabbit population and this is a very great protection for our stocks of game birds — pheasants , partridges and grouse — and indeed most other bird species .
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