Example sentences of "for the [noun] is that " in BNC.

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1 While Darwinian processes are likely to be only one of several mechanisms responsible for evolutionary change in form ( there is much debate , which need not concern us here , about the relative contribution of these other mechanisms ) , the point for the present is that all forms of life on earth today are clearly the results of comparable evolutionary pressures over the whole of geological time .
2 The important point for the present is that the above clauses leave no room for doubt that a breach of contract will justify the victim in terminating the contract .
3 The dilemma for the Americans is that , if they reject the argument that Israel must be part of the Middle East peace process , they may be unable to secure international endorsement for any settlement procedure ; so they could be left with the invidious alternatives of an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence .
4 Another possibility for the seminar is that if you want to bring some notes along to a sort of , if you show me a if you dream up hypothetical questions and then put a plan to answer them so that I can skim down it in about a minute or two .
5 The snag for the user is that , in most cases , unless he or she has access to a piece of ready-written graphics software or can program the machine to create the required displays from scratch these features seldom get used to the full .
6 The ideal situation for the artist is that all money should be paid to the artist .
7 The danger for the Government is that it may all come just a bit too late to expunge the memories of our current travails and of too long a period of neglect for the supply-side of the economy to respond .
8 The motivation for the Government is that its insider dealing laws have caught a disappointing haul of rule-breakers .
9 What emerges from the survey as most worrying for the Government is that there is little support from even its most natural supporters for some key policies , like the privatisation of water and the railways .
10 The other advantage of affray for the prosecutor is that it requires a less exacting proof of mens rea than is required for the offences against the person .
11 The case for the objectors is that they would wish the boundary proposed by your own authority , at an earlier stage , to be the boundary .
12 The reason for the procedure is that the consideration shares issued by the bidder to accepting shareholders are issued for a non-cash consideration ( ie the shares in the target ) and accordingly are not required to be offered to the bidder 's shareholders under the pre-emption provisions of CA 1985 , s89 , because that section only applies to new issues for cash .
13 But the bright side for the chancellor is that there should be higher bank profits to tax , especially if interest rates fall .
14 The advantage for the butterfly is that if a bird seizes it by the wings , and is reminded of some earlier unpleasant experience with the species and its toxin , it will release the insect unharmed : a bluejay that has never seen a monarch butterfly will readily catch and eat it ; but within 15–30 minutes the toxins in the butterfly 's body cause the bird to vomit , and one such encounter is sufficient to make a bluejay avoid monarchs thereafter .
15 The only plausible explanation for the omission is that , at the time of copying , Purcell had yet to finalize the detail of these inner parts .
16 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
17 A source of particular vulnerability for the agencies is that in its reorganization of the water industry the 1973 Water Act gives them responsibility for the management of the great majority of sewage treatment works , which in many areas are themselves significant — often principal — sources of pollution .
18 A further problem for the Church is that it may be seen by some people as a stepping-stone to a political career .
19 The advantage of own brands for the retailer is that they can only be purchased from that particular company .
20 The reason for the friendliness is that Thorpe 's victim was his identical twin brother , Steve .
21 The advantage for the customer is that own brands are often cheaper than well-known brand names and the customer knows where to obtain the product .
22 According to Roddy McKee , in charge of telecommunications policy in the Agency 's Telecommunications Division , the reason for the privatisation is that as UK telecommunications charges have dropped , the Agency is no longer able to run the network economically .
23 It is clear from the terms of Form 2 of Schedule 1 that a requirement for the receipt is that it should be signed by the superior or his agent .
24 The problem for the authorities is that it may be impossible to confirm or disprove the existence of ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
25 The problem for the authorities is that it may be impossible to confirm or disprove the existence of ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
26 ‘ I think the most important thing for the residents is that they have been given their dignity back , ’ said the Duchess afterwards .
27 Conversely , as Callinicos implicitly recognizes , the problem with contemporary politics for the left is that the dialectic of class depends on a historicist History and vice versa ; any failure of the former necessarily also involves a waning of the latter .
28 Indeed , the fundamental reason for the controversy is that the Draft Directives do not actually impose identical conduct of business rules .
29 One possible reason for the cure is that the alcohol may act as an anti-inflammatory agent , stopping symptoms like a runny nose .
30 If you move straight from chapter 5 to chapter 8 you will get a stark contrast between two theories of justification , and all you need to know for the moment is that I take the intervening chapters to provide a reason against any form of foundationalism .
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