Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] [prep] more " in BNC.

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1 An enemy could not approach him without being under his fire for the distance of more than a half-mile . ’
2 Of course my main concern in the late 1970s was to ensure that aircraft accidents were properly investigated and that sufficient importance was being attached to recommendations for the prevention of more accidents .
3 Wind farms , M S As , golf courses , associated hotels etcetera , development major recreation policies , and I think it the plan needs to have a a generic policy which addresses the issue of what is likely to be appropriate and acceptable in the countryside as a framework for the development of more detailed policies in in local plans .
4 This never in fact takes place , in that the fields are always sites of struggle for the stake of more or less autonomization .
5 Will the Minister offer the House any justification for the provision of more money to schools in Hampshire because they happen to serve the current dogma of the present Government ?
6 It also condemned the system of accommodating workers in single-sex hostels and called for the provision of more housing .
7 In the past two and half years it has risen four times in real terms to pay for the publication of more and more glossy pamphlets such as the parents charter — party political propaganda produced at the taxpayers ' expense .
8 Such surplus as was created was used not for the accumulation of more wealth but , instead , was used for conspicuous consumption ( courts , fine clothing and castles ) or for wars against foreign foes .
9 Ask local car dealer to write to car manufacturers to press for the introduction of more fuel efficient cars ?
10 We simply want to emphasize that the medical indications for the need of more of this substance in our diets are strong and impressive .
11 By the end of 1990 , £15,000 had been raised from the sale of the prints for the Appeal with more to come when the project is finished .
12 The report endorsed the " holistic " approach of the World Wide Fund for Nature which argues for the creation of more projects to encourage sustainable use of rainforest resources in order to preserve the forests and the livliehoods of forest people .
13 What harm is there in trying to achieve better value for money and more choice for the consumer by more competition — always giving an assurance , which I repeat today , that we will ensure that the uniform tariff structure remains in being even in rural areas ?
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