Example sentences of "for that [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 It must have cost a lot of money to go for that amount of time ?
2 The thing with th , with getting there at two for the gate right , because you can go in and get seats , for that amount of time you want a seat .
3 ‘ I ca n't pay John any bigger compliment — to be underground for that length of time .
4 Thus , if the total award is large enough ( say , reflecting three years ' employment and loss of salary and contract benefits for that length of time ) , an ex gratia payment will not reduce your former employer 's legal liability towards you at all .
5 She had clung to the hope even for that length of time , but it had never happened .
6 His ability to A function as a surveillance office and B to function as a armed officer after being maybe in the er in a vehicle for that length of time er is both dangerous to the public and dangerous to him .
7 ‘ You ca n't possibly expect me to carry on this sort of charade — not for that length of time ? ’
8 ‘ It 's hard to stand up for that length of time , ’ said Couples , who had two double-bogeys in his 71 .
9 Will you have enough to do down there for that length of time Christine ?
10 Will you have enough to do for that length of time .
11 Well it 's not because , because I object to the phone being taken out of commission for that length of time
12 I think , then what on earth does he want to be on the phone for that length of time for .
13 You get somebody who is very outrageous on stage but who is maybe very shy off stage , and I think being on stage in front of an audience enables you to step outside of your own body and be somebody else totally different for that period of time .
14 For example Bergmann et al , 1978 found that 38 per cent of a sample of 83 patients with organic mental disorder referred to a day hospital assessment unit lived alone ; and the authors concluded , after following up the sample for 12 months , that those who lived alone were least likely to be maintained at home for that period of time even with substantial support from social services , and recommended that resources should be concentrated on those who lived with their families .
15 Okay , fair enough , it was turned over on appeal eventually erm but erm it was a bit of a miscarriage of justice being kept in prison for that period of time until it was overturned pleaded guilty to another murder but that 's by the by .
16 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
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