Example sentences of "for [pos pn] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did a great deal of work for my constituency as an MP and plan to do a lot more .
2 I want to be remembered for my skill as a stills photographer .
3 you ca n't hear me , right , ok , I 'll try and speak up a little bit louder , erm my work , I work erm here and I work abroad and I live in Durham , er I 'm a writer and erm one of the things that I 'm most interested in is using art as an inspiration for my work as a , as a writer and I 'd like to be able to show you by this talk , how I do that , erm , I have a few publications , my work 's performed by a local group actually based in Newcastle and I 'm a member of er a group called Another Story and my work 's been put to music by a composer and er a play and the play and sing that , that the pieces of
4 A few days later I did question Shadwell about the possibility of not being covered in shit for my debut as a professional actor .
5 You can see I had no great hopes for my future as a woman .
6 So , what have I got to show for my time as a hostage ?
7 Yes I do know it 's bad for my health as a matter of fact , that 's why I like it .
8 To take someone well-known , Claire Rayner has written a host of very successful novels as well as a range of medical and home health books , but she 's known best for her work as an agony aunt in newspapers , magazines and on television .
9 It was still running in New York , where Ellen Burstyn had won a Tony award for her performance as the mistress whose married lover conducts their affair on a once-a-year , same-time-same-place basis .
10 Somebody was out of town for two days , he explained , somebody who would block any proposal for her release as a matter of course .
11 Leonora , aware of Penry 's warmth in every fibre , found the security of his arms an effective antidote for her fear as the Angharad butted her way across the choppy waters of the sound .
12 The little Hindu girl is brought up carefully to prepare for her role as a wife and mother in an alien family .
13 ACTRESS Jean Marsh is not flattered by a description of the rose she had named after her for her role as the maid , Rose , in Upstairs Downstairs .
14 MARTI Caine is to go ahead with plans for her role as the Red Queen in Snow White at Cardiff 's New Theatre — even if cancer strikes her again .
15 Surely such a spot offers few inducements for its selection as a place of permanent abode … an area of Jews , thieves , rags , filth , foul smells , and wretchedness .
16 For a southern French town , still very much in the ambience of the Pyrenees , it is graceless , with less to show than it should have for its history as a local capital , having twice been laid waste in the sixteenth century by Protestant raiders .
17 However , the question of housing does require more extended treatment , both for its centrality as a material resource in the pattern of life chances of black people and for its possible role in understanding black pupils ' achievements in British schools .
18 Its stimulant effect may account for its reputation as an aphrodisiac , its generic name being thought to come from satyr , S. hortensis ( summer savory ) is the annual ; S. montana ( winter savory ) a perennial shrub , whose leaves have a stronger , but less pleasant flavour .
19 THE Home Secretary has told colleagues that he expects a fresh Commons debate on the death penalty before the next election and that he would speak and vote for its restoration as a deterrent for some murders .
20 Significant yes , a watershed of sorts , yes , but more for its importance as a marker in the Parker 's career .
21 Platinum is another metal on which the industrialised world relies , mainly for its role as a catalyst in chemical reactions .
22 The OPZZ declared , however , that its co-operation with Solidarity extended only to trade union matters , and stopped short of support for its role as a political movement .
23 In ( a ) and ( b ) , money is clearly held mainly for its role as a medium of exchange .
24 In ( c ) , it is held mainly for its role as a store of wealth .
25 The earliest excavations , however , in 1948–9 at Ivel House , supplemented by observation of local service trenches , revealed surprisingly complex occupation including buildings with opus signinum and mosaic floors , at much the same time as Stevens argued for its status as a late civitas centre .
26 The shake up includes ADAS in time for its launch as an executive agency next April .
27 The CSIRO has just applied for a worldwide patent for its use as a fumigant .
28 Though there is a case to be made for its use as an educational medium — and the BBC 's contribution to the Open University at Milton Keynes has been considerable , if politically questionable , and will continue despite the closure of their studios in a fine example of accountant 's false logic — this has not been the main area of impact .
29 Most Dutch filling stations already supply LPG and there is a considerable market for its use as an industrial heating fuel .
30 The board 's proposals for its future as a voluntary co-operative have been criticised not only by the Scottish dairy trade , but by a recent Monopolies and Mergers Commission report .
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