Example sentences of "for [det] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Managers who do not work as a team and provide support for each other and their staff can not hope to succeed at times of staff shortage .
2 Faye turned and buried her face in her husband 's shoulder , and Belinda 's throat constricted suddenly as she saw how their love for each other and their concern for the tiny life growing inside Faye united them in both happiness and fear .
3 He spoke of the affection he and his uncle had had for each other and what a marvellous counsellor he had been .
4 to provide consistent prayer support for each other and our families and to be open to receive prayer requests for each other at anytime of the day or night .
5 ‘ We 've our lust for each other and our disgust for everyone else . ’
6 If we part like this , we shall create the most monumental awkwardness for each other and ourselves .
7 Self-control is the key — take only a small amount for each course and you wo n't miss out on anything .
8 this standard differed for each category and it is difficult to see how it could be translated into a more general form .
9 That way there would be plenty of decent players for each team and it would only take me a couple of hours per week to sort out .
10 Personal Accident cover for £10,000 for each Policyholder and their spouse .
11 Place a blob for each corner and one for the centre of each slab .
12 Roaring at the ears , shoes melting , feet boiling , wrists wrenchy , teeth and jaw moved big and heavy by 85 steaming black slaves , each with a large wooden handle-bit between his teeth and 3 ropes to manipulate , one for each hand and one clasped in both feet , his waist tied down with leather to prevent any unnecessary movement of bum on bench .
13 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
14 The 1976 Act , which does not apply to Scotland , is not suitable for that purpose and I am considering whether it should be disapplied for that purpose .
15 The Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1976 is not designed for that purpose and it is dubious whether it could be used in that way .
16 Fortunately the Palace directors put a prohibitive price upon his transfer , and he stayed with the club , set up a new goal-scoring record of 36 league goals in his first season ( from just 34 appearances ) , topped the Division 3(S) charts for that campaign and his output was only exceeded by two men in the entire Football League .
17 Couple of chaps at the school got booted out for that stuff and I never did get round to it . ’
18 In Australasia , for instance , the club you play your first game of the season for is your only club for that year and you are not allowed to transfer .
19 The Government 's repugnance for that organisation and everything it stands for has been made absolutely clear on repeated occasions .
20 ‘ Now , you have n't had anything to eat all day — except for that biscuit- and you must be starving . ’
21 because people are dissatisfied with the treatment and they 're paying for that treatment and they 're dissatisfied , so you always get complaints whether you pay or not
22 I thank those who fought for that gift and who built the lasting institutions of NATO and the European Community from the ruins of 1945 .
23 Why did you go on about that erm place where you went for that beer and you know , you said that we worked for that
24 We had a name for that cove and we used to shout it outside his house until he came out and chased us away . ’
25 His father seemed a more promising candidate for that role and he had died a natural death .
26 He could n't play cricket or any other game for that matter and he had never been fishing .
27 The union already fought for that rate and they got it .
28 You see , Harry is coming over from America for that month and I so want to see him .
29 you said fifty P for that bag and I 'll give you a quid
30 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
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