Example sentences of "for [det] [art] [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 Volunteer Eileen said : ‘ For half a second I thought it was a hoax but as he began to name the four streets I took him seriously . ’
2 For half the trip I sat on the floor of the plane , holding the boy 's hand , watching the drip .
3 For half an hour I thought that was the end of our career .
4 After skulking around for half an hour I spotted a kestrel in a tree nearby .
5 For such a friend I had , though after all
6 This was nothing but an elaborate hoax perpetrated by her in revenge for all the suffering I had caused her .
7 The money ca n't make up for all the misery I went through . ’
8 Yeah , so yeah ah you 're alright so you 'll say yeah course I 'm alright , there 's no fee , so eventually I get to the point where I said look I did say there 's no fee involved but I 'd , I , that 's a bit of a lie because there is a fee for all the work I 'm er but it comes in the form of referrals , in the form of recommendation , not actual money .
9 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
10 Then I took off my little gold earrings and felt in the folds of my dress for all the money I 'd saved or stolen from my brother 's pockets over the years , and placed both the money and earrings in the palm of her hand , forcing her fingers shut around them .
11 I wrote to that older brother of yours , ‘ My capabilities are of little matter now ’ , but I suppose I might be as well off writing to myself for all the answer I 'm likely to get . ’
12 You can chuck me in the river , if you like , for all the good I am to meself .
13 She could just as well have been arranging my funeral for all the co-operation I offered her .
14 ‘ I hope you 're grateful for all the trouble I 've just gone to , ’ he said .
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