Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 it sort of er er gave them lee a , ladies leeway who wanted to work after they were married , some married and then could they come back well they could n't keep me on and not let them work you see , so oh yes it was mostly married women , there were a lot of married women there when I left , but erm it sort of set a precedent I suppose for , for them but it did , it did them some good really .
2 Those disciples , they had the storm stilled for them and it got easier sailing .
3 The doctor told me they were strong : in fact he prescribed them for me but it seems more logical to give them to Mum since it 's her that stops me sleeping .
4 He put in a good word for me and it went on from there .
5 ‘ I had my top made for me and it cost £70 .
6 It took a good deal of time for me and it to get together .
7 And so we 've got to desire to have our broken relationship with God restored , you see we need to receive what God offers in Christ , the fact that Christ died for our sins does not mean a thing to us until we say yes I accept it for me , I believe you died for me , I receive it , I 'm linked into it , you see your house can be , let me give you a very simple illustration , your house is linked up with er Eastern Electricity and there is so many er I du n no what , what the what it is , but there is the power there , the there are , there are kilo watts of power on tap in your home , but in the winter you 're cold , when it gets dark outside , it 's dark inside the cooker , the electric cooker does n't work , the fridge is not operating the food is going rotten , you ca n't watch a programme on television , why , because you have n't plugged into the source of the power , it 's as simple as that , you ca n't blame the Electricity Board , it 's not Eastern Electricity 's fault it 's your fault because all the plugs are out of the sockets and it does n't matter what the Electricity Board does short of blowing up your house , they can do nothing for you and it does n't matter what God has done in Christ until we as it were to also plug in , it does n't mean a thing to us , but the moment we link in , that 's the change , the lights come on , there 's , there 's heat there , the stove works , the , the radio , the television , the record player , they 're all operating , the freezer 's working , the situation has changed , we needs to receive what God offers us in Christ
8 Or words to that effect , right , and I realize that you have to think , think carefully in order to make the right choice , because it 's got ta be right for you and it 's also got ta be right for the property , alright ?
9 Yes , yes , that 's right , they use , yeah , but I insisted that it were open doors for you as jobs were so hard to get , I said it were open doors for you and it did it helped them both .
10 We will be looking for another assignment for him but it looks unlikely until next winter . ’
11 I seemed to have no value for him and it began to feel like a kind of death .
12 It 's alright for her but it does n't suit us .
13 It was not appropriate for the son to care for her but it became too much for the daughter-in-law , who was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown , and the problems were referred to the local area social service office .
14 Moorlake is much too big for her and it 's been going steadily to rack and ruin for years .
15 It becomes increasingly ill at ease until eventually the din and the intrusions become too much for it and it flaps off to find a quieter spot somewhere else .
16 That was the Catholic name for it and it had always seemed very appropriate to Preston , conjuring up visions of an unctuous priest dripping oil and glib assurance .
17 She 'd even been on the local TV news for it and it had done wonders for business .
18 Erm I know it 's easier said than done sometimes but er it has to be your decision because even if you went ahead and were confirmed , we were tal talking about the idea of sometimes parents bring pressure on them on you to go ahead and do it and be confirmed , erm when perhaps you 're not do n't feel ready for it and it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say No I 'm not ready .
19 Alton Towers clearly is an exception but again , you have to pay a lot of money for it and it takes quite some time to get the return er , back and , and I would say that erm , many of Michael 's erm , er , organic erm , er , expenditure will , will erm , provide er , a really good return rather quicker but in the long run we think Alton is good .
20 The oil of rhodium possesses peculiar properties : all animals cherish a fondness for it and it exercises a subduing influence over them .
21 We 'll have to get him out and pay for it and it 's worked total dividends !
22 ‘ Last year he organised a fund-raising match for us and it raised £51,000 net .
23 Using word processors was already standard practice for us and it became rapidly apparent that desktop publishing was the way to go , so far as production systems were concerned .
24 Just as the record was going to be released , Dave came round and told us he 'd got another manager for us and it turned out to be Ralph Horton who we 'd auditioned for at The Roebuck Pub in Tottenham Court Road .
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