Example sentences of "for [pers pn] and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Technically , if you hand someone a joint you 're supplying , but it means a lot of work for them and does n't catch the people who are the big fish .
2 Option 7.3.3 — View Individual Task Mail allows users to view any outstanding task mail available for them and respond appropriately or forward it to another user who may be more able to respond .
3 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
4 Littler was a wily businessman who knew very well that things were difficult for them and realized how badly they needed his business .
5 In an in-depth feature on the Italian scene next month both Botha and Campese — rumoured to be amongst the best paid of the legion of ‘ stranieri ’ in Italy — talk about what Italy holds for them and tackle head-on the issue of pay-for-play .
6 After the liberation they had found their old apartment undamaged , moved back in and set about recreating their old life of searching out young artists , arranging exhibitions for them and building up their own collection of European art .
7 Left a , a crate of Pils for them and carry on painting everything .
8 They said children needed trained professionals to care for them and carry out their treatment programmes .
9 He had the chance to sign for them and did n't go .
10 The children then dive for them and see how many items of treasure they can catch .
11 Hugh Ritchie , the Departmental Officer one rank above Mr S — , a kind and gentlemanly character with whom I always had rapport , sent for me and asked why I wanted to leave .
12 I little knew then what the future held for me and looking back I can see what a lot I had to learn .
13 I let him work the slot screen for me and point out the sights .
14 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
15 I did actually say I was going to put a plan together for you and come back in two weeks but I mean
16 Two men kissing to music under the stars … or Little David , the barman , would bring out his famous white gauze and feather fans and send them gliding across his sweating chest and face ( you do n't see this any more these days ) — as if the secret thoughts that were normally hidden behind that odd smile in his eyes had escaped and taken flight ; as if , I used to think , it was magic , as if some oddly attractive boy had unbuttoned his flies for you and brought out not a fat red cock but a blinking , blinded , delicate , fluttering magician 's dove , releasing it into the roof of the dark theatre to fly crazily over your astonished head … and above all this was that ceiling of shining stars .
17 give up seats for you And do n't give
18 The beast , or rather the cloud of smoke , kept lunging at Little Billy , but Swan was too quick for him and jinked away every time .
19 The simpering sort who would do anything for him and knew how to knock up gourmet dinners in fifteen minutes flat .
20 His T-shirt was too small for him and came out of the waist of his pants .
21 ‘ I really went for him and felt rather sorry for it afterwards .
22 Long before we arrived , Herr Wendling had made a great reputation for him and has now introduced him to all his friends .
23 She finished undoing it for him and slipped out of the dress , and as she let him raise her petticoat her eyes strayed again to the patch on the ceiling .
24 Suddenly amused , I held the stiff door open for him and bowed languidly from the waist with an exquisite fin-de-siècle sarcasm , a little flourish of an unquenched spirit .
25 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
26 Joseph had planned to sell Sabine Jourdain 's work for her and cut out Maurin .
27 Rain did not think this was enough to suggest the brothers went to look for her and said so .
28 He found the apartment and opened the door for her and stepped back to let her pass .
29 Ember gave up waiting for her and signalled frantically .
30 He acknowledges her humiliation by jumping out of his side of the car , coming round to hers , opening the door for her and waiting ostentatiously for her awkwardly to tuck her legs inside before closing it with a little bow .
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