Example sentences of "for [art] next [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 By the following morning Mr Reynolds was apyrexial and although his temperature was recorded every four hours for the next five days it remained within normal limits .
2 They had enough food and wine , and stayed there for the next five days .
3 We all met at a pre-luncheon reception and then adjourned to the dining hall to sample the culinary delights which were to space our classes for the next five days ; four classes with dancing after dinner was the order of the day , all meticulously time-tabled .
4 He needs to be for the next four days in Hong Kong , because he will be hard at work cutting ribbons and laying foundation stones .
5 The ‘ Tiger ’ convoy came within range of air attack on 8th. , and for the next four days most activity in the air tended to centre here .
6 Some eight hours later , and for the next four days , it sets about the task of ejecting its companions from the nest .
7 For the next four days working parties A , B , C and D dealt with more than 150 resolutions sub-divided into groupings of Strategy , Action , Organisation and Finance .
8 ‘ Well , exhausted or not , you wo n't be getting much sleep for the next four days .
9 Neither then nor for the next four days .
10 These were solid leather and weighed so much that , not surprisingly , we were allowed only a further 9lb each to include all essentials for the next six days and five nights .
11 Joined by the rest of the Brigade ( two battalions ) , it continued fighting for the next six days .
12 For the next fourteen days I spent all the daylight hours either on the forest road , on which no-one but myself ever set foot , or in the jungle , and only twice during that period did I get near the tigress .
13 When the gravel was exposed , a stream of clean water flowed from it and continued to do so for the next 7 days .
14 Many of the best women tennis players from home and abroad will be competing in Swindon for the next 7 days .
15 For the next 92 days , the baby needed constant attention .
16 For the next 92 days , baby Alexander needed constant attention .
17 Sporadic firing and the misery of Joseph 's people continued for the next two days .
18 Someone who can act as bodyguard and chauffeur for the next two days .
19 Edward cried for the next two days , but there was nothing he could do .
20 The wind freshened from astern off Rudha Reidh and we just managed to beat a south westerly gale into Loch Ewe where we were weatherbound for the next two days .
21 Owen had other fish to fry and for the next two days he was busy on other things .
22 Emma Jesson will be here with the weather forecast for the next two days .
23 A full forecast for the next two days coming up , but have you seen anything you like here ?
24 They holed up for the next two days in Leatherslade Farm House … at Oakley twenty seven miles away .
25 I could see his jeans , shirts , jerseys , everything he needed to wear for the next two days , neatly folded in a drawer in Edinburgh .
26 Each morning for the next ten days he bore this precious vessel to the examinations balls and poured a measured quantity of the contents on to pages of ruled quarto .
27 Ejecting a few birds we inspected the inside of the crude habitation where the men would live for the next ten days or more .
28 For the next ten days they set up camp at Etaples , spending their mornings being marched over dunes , their afternoons being instructed in gas warfare and their evenings being told by Captain Trentham the different ways they could die .
29 Public hearings are being held in Oxford Town Hall for the next 3 days , chaired by the industrial relations expert , Lord McCarthy of Headington .
30 For the next few days I was horribly inactive , gripped by a lethargy that I could not for the life of me understand .
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